I felt my body go slack as my mind shut down. Not from the bite. NO, this was because i had given up. I no longer cared what happened to me. I welcomed the fire I knew would be coming. I hoped that Aro would just let me die.

But my wish was not to happen...

Aro Suddenly pulled away. He swiped at his mouth and left, leaving me with the hungry Vampires. So that was how it was going to be. Even in death I wasn't worth anyone's time. I was to be food for the minions. Well to hell with that! I wasn't about to me some lowly vampires last meal. I tried to push myself up but was to weak. I could barely lift up my head to whisper, "leave me alone." I crawled backwards trying to fight the burning that was going up my body. It felt like my skin was slowly being ripped from my body while someone poured scalding water on me to loosen my flesh. I swallowed hard.

"But mistress you can't go through the change alone, and not here." Suddenly i felt the burning sensation concentrate in my neck. It gotter hotter and hotter as the rest of my body got colder and colder. I knew that i was on fire. I was going to burn to death from this one little piece in my neck. I made the mistake of touching my neck, trying to rub away the burn. My hands came back soaking wet with blood.

I Passed out, for a second before the pain began to spread again. How was this possible? Why didn't anyone warn me? Every time that i thought the pain would be constant enough to be manageable, it would ebb and come back. That was worse...

That was there idea of payback for everything. My mom wouldn't even be able to see my body. I would be burnt to the crisp. I screamed the fire was spreading down my back. I jerked up and tried to pat the fire out. I was hitting my body everywhere i could. Demetri ran up and grabbed me. Next thing i knew i was in a room, with no sun light and no air. They rapped something around my wrist and legs keeping me from moving.

"No please, i'm sorry i won't do anything anymore, i'll do whatever you want, just get rid of the fire." my whole body was burning now. I felt my world begin to turn black. The last thing i saw was Demetri shake his head and laugh. After that i saw nothing, heard nothing but the roaring. I heard the distant screams as i strained against my binding. I twisted and turned, trying to find away to ease the pain. Then finally i reached total darkness, and my body was still.


Hours? Days? Weeks? later...

When i came to i was still laying flat although i couldn't remeber why. THen i felt it the white hot searing pain down my whole body. I tried to scream, to let someone know that i was in pain but i couldn't move, couldn't scream. I attempted to open my eyes but it took too much effort and i was too tired. I blacked out. Again.

When i came to again, i opened my eyes immediately, remembering everything that had happened. I sat up but was still in restraints.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled struggling to get out. The restraints snapped as if they where made of paper instead of thick metal. I looked down surprised at my strength not understanding how i was so strong. I must still be in the dark place, asleep, because no human could be this strong. I laughed, but what came out of my laugh sounded harmonious but evil, and definitely not mine. Which means this was definitely a dream.

So what the hell...

"How dare you set me on fire." i ment to yell this too, but it came out in a whisper. If this was a dream i had nothing to be scared of.

"Mistress, no one set you on fire that was you changing, everyone goes through it." Said a unknown voice. It was distant and far off, but it echoed in my head.

At first i started to give of some smart ass reply, but then what she said sunk in, "Didn't set - wait what change?" i asked calming down a little.

" The change into a vampire of course." She said with a little laugh.

"But i thought that Aro was trying to kill me. He bit me." I gave a shudder

"Yes, mistress, that is the only way to change you." She gave a little shrug then came over to the bed," Come mistress we must get you dressed.  Aro, wishes to see you." This came out with a tinkling laugh.

She handed me a long black cloak. I refused to grab it. "I will not wear that." i said trying to sound as forceful as possible.

"But mistress it is the mark of the Volturi! How will anyone know that you are a member of the Volturi if you do not wear the cloak?"

"Vo-Volturi?" I whispered astonished. I grabbed the cloak without thinking about it and began to put it on. "Why would they want me as a member of the Volturi?" My body was running on auto pilot.

"Because mistress the Volturi are powerful and they are special just like you." She said this with a little flip of her hair, but it was enough for me to notice the frantic beating of her vain. I could hear her heart speed up, as she noticed my fixation. She couldn't move, couldn't speak.

I walked forward only aware of my thirst. I couldn't concentrate on my thoughts, couldn't remember what we had been talking about. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me. I lowered my head excited about my first kill. I paused just before i bit into her warm flesh, raising my eyes to look into the mirror to see what i looked like ready to bite into her trembling skin. I jumped. There was no way that was me in the mirror. I was...was... Gorgeous. There was no other word for it. I could rival even Rosalie in beauty. I gently pushed the girl to side (Yet she still flew into the side of the bed) and walked forward touching the mirror. I was amazed.

"Mmmistttreesss," the girl stuttered," we must go Aro is waiting to see you and we can't make Aro mad." i could tell she was frightened of me but new she was even more frightened of the other Volturi members.

We went into the hall and i followed along behind her holding my breath against the smell. She stopped in front of a room and gestured me in. I wetn inside and saw hundreds of people in cloaks identicle to the one i was wearing.

"Welcome, Bella! to the Volturi family."



A/N: So chapter 2 is finished editing. I didn't change anything major, rater just fleshed out some details. Hope you guys continue to read, and enjoy the story. Please comment,fan, etc..

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