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Olive smiled

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Olive smiled. "This is so like me." She said, giggling. Enoch glared. "Why am I a part of this?" He groaned. "Because I love you." Olive kissed his cheek. Enoch blushed bright pink and all the other peculiars laughed.

 Enoch blushed bright pink and all the other peculiars laughed

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"LOOK, ITS ME." Said HORACE. "YES, WE CAN SEE THAT." ENOCH muttered, glancing at the ground. "ARE YOU SURE THERES NO ONE ELSE IN THE PICTURE, OR IS YOUR EGO TO BIG FOR THAT?" He asked jealously, luckily no one noticed. "YES, I'M THERE TOO!" MILLARD laughed. ENOCH paid no attention, which this time grabbed HUGH'S. "LOOK EVERYONE, ENOCH'S JEALOUS." ENOCH looked up, alarmed. "SAY WHAT?! WHY WOULD I BE JEALOUS?" "CAUSE MILLARDS IN THIS AND YOUR NOT." Smirked HUGH. ENOCH glared at him. "RIGHT, WE'RE DONE HERE." ENOCH said, leaning on JACOBS shoulder and clicked the next button.

Olive squeaked in embarrassment and Enoch's face was redder then molten lava

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Olive squeaked in embarrassment and Enoch's face was redder then molten lava. "Before anyone says anything, let me warn you, if anyone says anything that will get you hurt, just don't." He threatened. Everyone who were in the verge of laughter took a step back, despite how much they desperately wanted to laugh at how cute Enoch and Olive were in the picture.

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