Chapter Two

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Skyler's POV

My friends and I changed into our robes a little--well, a lot--after we saw Hogwarts. It was awkward, considering I'm the only girl, but we've all been best friends since day one, so it didn't bother me. Once we had changed, the train came to a screeching stop. I opened the compartment door, ushering the immature boys out, when I spotted Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Lauren. I started towards them, when a hand touched my shoulder. It was Ace. "Come on, Sky! We gotta get a good carriage!"

"Be there in a sec!" I assured him, still pushing through the crowd. "Lauren!" Her head turned to me and a smile came across her lips. "Hey, sorry about those boys," I said rolling my eyes,"They're so stupid. Not even sometimes, all the time. I thought, maybe we could meet up after the feast? Away from boys!"

"Sounds great!" She answered. "Where?"


"Sure!" She agreed with a smile. I grinned as well, happy to see my friend again. "Oh, and I'm sure you know, but this is Hermione Granger, and Draco Malfoy." I shook Hermione's hand and did the "super secret" Slytherin hand shake with Draco.

"Nice meeting you guys, but I ought to get going!" I turned and walked with confidence off the train. One step down, turned to one step up, and I was in the carriage with my crazy friends. After a long time of joking around and talking, we finally arrived at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
I sat down rowdily at the Slytherin table and watched the sorting, in which we were forced to be quiet. Another person sat down beside me and whispered a "Hi." I turned my head to see Draco Malfoy.

I motioned in sign-language, "Silenco charm. Too loud." I wasn't fluent, but I knew some sign language. Especially those last two sentences. He laughed, and I turned my head with a weird look. What's up with him?

Finally, the sorting was over and enormous piles of food filled the golden platters. We ate, and talked loudly, so happy to be at Hogwarts.

Lauren's POV

Benches scraped against the floor and people filed out of the hall.  Once I cleared my plate, I stood up and headed out of the hall casually, and checked to make sure the coast was clear.  I quietly sprinted down the castle to the ROR.  It was dark, and hard to see, but I eventually found my way there.

I arrived on the seventh floor and paced three times in front of the room of requirement thinking, I want somewhere to hang out...I want somewhere to hang out...I want somewhere to hang out.  The door eventually opened and I eagerly skipped inside.

I had been in this room before, and it still hadn't changed.  Skyler was sitting in the middle of the room, with Draco, chatting.  I quietly snuck over to the wall.  They were facing opposite of the door, so as long as I stayed behind them, I would be okay.

Asher's POV

I reached my dorm in the dungeon and hastily got out my invisibility cloak.  Very few have one.  I pulled it over myself and set out to go roam the halls.  I thought I heard Sky and Lauren talking about meeting in the ROR when we got off the train, so that's where I headed.

The corridors were dark but comforting, because, I mean, come on.  It's Hogwarts!

I saw Lauren enter the ROR and I followed.  She obviously wanted to see Sky, but she was with...


"Hermione keeps trying to set me up with girls.  She's already tried three seventh years already," Malfoy said.  Skyler was twirling her long honey-colored hair...she only did that when...she liked a boy.  Lauren noticed it too.  She was holding on hand over her mouth and the other over her heart.

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