Ch. 1

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The clouds were coming, it was sunny right now but by sundown the clouds would close in. I smelled the breeze it was going to rain.

Good I thought, rain covers up my sent it will throw them off my track.

I walked easily through the close forest trees. Making sure to stay on game trails to avoid crushing any underbrush. My worn soft leather boots make hardly any sound on the twig covered floor. It was second nature to me, this stealthy business I didn't even have to think about it. I suppose four years if being hunted had something to do with that.

Why was I being hunted? Well wouldn't you like to know.

On the outside I'm just your average 16 year old girl except maybe a little rougher and leaner. But I really don't stand out. Brunette hair with green eyes a faded green shirt covered by a grey hoodie with blue jeans. My skin is tan from living outside and my tangled hair is usually pulled back in a ponytail. All in all you would never be able to pick me out in the crowd. I have a face that is easy to forget and I guess in my case that's a good thing.

No. They weren't hunting me for any external trait they were hunting me because of what I could do...

I had the ability to shift my shape into that of a horse. A tall powerful black Friesian mare with flashing emerald green eyes. I have no idea how I can do this I just can and that is why I am in so much danger. I also have a weird power but it is nothing much.

I looked around for a small creek. It should be just ahead. It was here last time I traveled through this area. I rarely pass through the same place twice but I was hoping to throw my pursues off track. I spot the clear little stream and after a quick drink I stepped lightly across it. I travel with more and more caution as I move along. I am nearing the outskirts of a small city and there is a housing development just beyond the edge of the forest. This will throw my hunters off guard since I prefer to avoid and contact with other people... I can't trust them.

. I'm had just raised my right foot to step over a fallen branch when I hear it...a little rustle in the under growth ahead and then the murmur of, only one voice. I slipped closer making no noise as my feet glide over sticks and leaves. I came as close as I dared and peeped thorough the trees. A tall boy is sitting alone in a small grassy clearing. He is probably a little older than me his face is very attractive despite the tears if frustration that roll down his cheeks.

"I'm never going back. I can't take it anymore."

He said fiercely his hands clenched into fists.

I leaned forward suddenly curious about this boy. SNAP!!!! A twig cracks under my foot. It was such a small sound but in the hush of the forest it sounds like an explosion. The boy looked up his piercing blue eyes scan the trees. I froze horrified that I might be discovered. The boy stood and took a few steps in my direction. I feel a rush of panic and that's when I shifted shape.

The look of surprise on the boys face was priceless as a tall black horse stepped out of the trees. I lowered my head to the ground and began ripping up a grass. Just what any other normal horse would do. He stretches out his hand to me. I raised my head and look him over. He is tall but in my horse form I am so much bigger, I have nothing to fear now. I take a half stride closer to him and his hand strokes my soft muzzle. At his touch I feel a strange shock of warmth and something else I can't explain. I prick up my ears and he must have felt it to because he looks startled.

He stares at me long and hard till I have to drop my head and pretend to graze again. He shakes his head and I heard him say,

"Nothing but a silly idea."

Then he begins to pet my neck then untangle my wavy ebony mane. Which desperately needed some help as their were briers and twigs snagged everywhere in it. We stay like this for a long while and I listen to him talk as I graze.

'My mother died a year ago and every since then my dad has turned nasty. I think he blames me for some reason. He is always mad and ready to beat me at every chance. I have to run away. But if my old man catches me he'll beat me to death. There is no way I can tell him way I can tell him my secret."

As much as I wanted to stay and find out this attractive boy's secret I feel its time to go. There was a faint nagging in the left side of my skull telling me that my pursuers were drawing closer. They were still about three hours away but it was time for me to leave. I raised my head and shook my mane sending black waves in every direction. I shift my feathered hooves and the boy backed up. He looked up at me his tears gone.

"Okay time to go pretty one. You are just a stray horse that has no idea what I'm saying but thank you anyway. I haven't felt so peaceful since my mother died."

The blond boy said. I turn away toward the trees pretending to be just a dumb horse. But deep inside I was a little confused no on had ever called me pretty in either of my forms. And that half hour with the boy had been the most relaxed I've had in a long while.

I look back at the boy. He stood looking back at me. To bad, if only I were a normal human being we might have been friends... or even closer. But no as it is he is a human and I am a hunted shapeshifter. I gathered my hooves under me as I trot away. Still I couldn't shake off the feeling that their was a connection between us. What a silly thought but I could feel his eyes on me as I swished my tail and vanished among the trees.

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