24: Paper Airplanes

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, do you have a problem with it," I questioned, sassily.

"Nope. I love it," he smiled and I shied away, blushing.

"Thank you, then," I mumbled and he walked away to meet the boys in the living room.

"Hey, you changed your hair again," Michael said as I entered the room.

"Yeah. You like?"

"Absolutely. Purple suits you," Michael smiled and patted the spot next to him for me to sit. I sat down and they continued their game of GTA. Luke was still glued to his phone and Ashton told me yesterday that he didn't understand the concept of obsessing over video games so he wasn't playing. I finished my apple, then picked up a third controller and started playing.

"Ugh! We need to do something! We can't just sit around and play video games all day. Let's celebrate the time we have off," Ashton complained, standing up in front of the TV.

"Well, I don't know what there is to do," Michael said, leaning over to try and still play around Ashton.

"We can have some sort of war like with nerf guns or something," Calum suggested. "Like a real life video game."

"We don't have any nerf guns," Ashton told him.

"We could use paper airplanes," I suggested, pausing the game so Michael would listen.

"Hey," he whined.

"That's not a bad idea, Pay," Ashton smiled. "How about that guys? A paper airplane war? We could set up forts and everything."

"What would be the rules," Luke asked, finally looking up from his phone.

"We split up into two teams and treat it like a snowball fight. The team that gives up first loses. We have to find goggles," Ashton explained then ran into another room to get goggles.

"Why do we need goggles," Michael asked.

"To protect our eyes," Luke explained.

"Ah," Michael said and then took my controller away to save the game before turning it off. Ashton brought back four pairs of goggles and set then on the table.

"I could only find four," he said.

"That's okay. I'll get my glasses," I offered and then ran upstairs to take out my contacts and put on my glasses. I ran back downstairs and the boys were already setting up their forts with the couch cushions.

"We picked our teams already. Which one do you want to be on," Michael asked and I look at the two teams. Michael and Calum were on one and Ash and Luke were on the other. I wanted to go against Ashton but I had a feeling they needed the help more. I walked over to Ash and Luke and started putting blankets and pillows on our fort. "Well, then. Game on, cuz." Michael smirked and started building his fort faster. I ran into the office that no one uses and picked up a stack of paper. I went back over behind out fort and started making airplanes for our team. Calum started making them for their team and when we got enough, the game began. We laughed so hard throughout the entire game I felt like I was going to explode. I've never laughed so hard in my life. The game ended up moving all around the house and we were eventually all too tired to even pick a winner. We had skipped lunch with all this fun so we decided to go out to eat for pizza again. The pizza place was nice and was sort of fancy, but that didn't stop them from pigging out in the middle of the restaurant. I got up to go to the bathroom and Ashton followed me. As soon as we turned the corner, out of sight, he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers perfectly with mine. That warm fuzzy feeling came over me again and I just couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Do you know what that is," Ashton asked, pointing to the third door in the hallway. I assumed it was some sort of storage closet but I was sure so I just shook my head. "Well, how about we find out." Ashton smirked, opening the door and pulling me inside. I was right. It was a small storage closet filled with brooms and mops and so on. Ashton grabbed my waist, a bit forcefully, but I just brought a smile to my face. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. Before he could pull away, I felt a sudden urge for him so I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. We turned as the kiss deepened and Ashton pushed me against the door, careful not to make too much noise. I ran my fingers through his hair and he gave a small moan. Then, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He moved the kisses down my cheek and on my neck. I dug my fingers into his back as he found my weak spot again. He started to bite my neck so I quickly pushed him away from me slightly.

"Sorry," he said softly. I kissed him on the lips once more and he set me down on the ground again. I wasn't quite done so I started to kiss his neck and I wrapped my hands around his chest. He slid his hand slightly up my shirt, sending crazy shocks up my sides.

"Ashton. Stop," I said and he immediately pulled away even taking a step back.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologise. Its just that I'm not really ready."

"Oh. I respect--"

"Ashton. I have to tell you something." He seemed a little taken back and I knew that this wasn't something anyone wanted to hear.

"Okay, go ahead."

"No. Not here. Maybe at a better time, okay," I asked trying to give him a reassuring smile but he just nodded his head and I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I washed my hands off and giving the spot he kissed my neck a wiping too. I walked out and back to the table where Ashton had already joined him. I tried to give him a smile, but he just looked away. We finished our pizzas and went back home. Neither Ash nor I speaking until we got home. The boys went to bed, well at least went into their rooms, and so did I. Ashton was going to come in tonight, that I knew, but I also knew that he is going to want to know tonight too. He knocked on my balcony door lightly and I let him in.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Hey." I tried to smile as he took my hand and led me back to the bed. We laid down and he interlocked his fingers with mine. "I know I have to tell you," I whispered and he just rubbed his thumb against my hand for comfort.

"So, I was talking to Luke," he interrupted me and I was glad. I wasn't quite ready yet and I knew he knew that.

"Okay," I shifted and then smiled at him.

"And he was saying how cute it was. How you're my girlfriend now even if it is kind of secret." I couldn't speak another word. I am his girlfriend now? He could sense my shock so he asked with so much desperation, "You are my girlfriend right?"

"Yes, of course. It's just never something I've been called before."

"What about your past boyfriends? You weren't their girlfriend?"

"I mean I was but I didn't really get called that. I like it. I'm your girlfriend," I repeated to myself and smiled. He kissed me softly on the lips.

"Okay, so what did you want to tell me?"

"Actually, I don't think I can yet."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I just am not ready to tell you yet. I want to but it's hard for me. I'll surely tell you when I'm ready, okay?"

"Okay," he answered, squeezing my hand, and I leaned over on his chest.


"Yes," he answered.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," I smiled.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, too," he replied back and we drifted off into comfortable silence for the night.

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