Some Answers, More Questions, and Escape.

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recap- next thing i now i woke up a few hours later.


i didn't now were i was. the floor was lump yet soft. like really old mattress. i could hear people talking around me. i tried opening my eyes but they hurt too much. my head hurt alot like i had fallen from a two story building and hit a cement floor. i wondered why i was here on a really old mattress instead of in my bed or even on my kitchen floor. maybe i passed out for some reason. i had been out in the sun alot the last couple of days. maybe i got some sort of heat stroke or something. but then again i had had lots to drink and plenty of sunscreen. maybe i had had too much to drink again the night before. come to think about it that must have been it. i must have partied too much the night before. yep that had to be it because since when did someone like me get kidnapped for no good reason. when ever i owed money i always paid it before anything bad happened to me. that had to be it i was just having a really bad hang over. these thoughts were starting to calm me down. when suddenly i felt someone shake my arm. who could possibly be trying to wake me up when my head felt like it was exploding every time my head moved. this girl was never spending the night again if this is how she wakes me up. the think is i an't remember going to bed with a someone else in my bed last night. i must have had way more to drink than i thought. suddenly my eye lid opened and i saw a face. my eyelid closed again. that was better no blinding light, no pain, and my head ache even lessened when my eyes were closed. wait that was a child's face. that couldn't be right how would a child even get into my apartment. that was really wrong the number one rule was no children in my house. i sat up suddenly. no no no this couldn't be happening. i remember thinking that this just didn't happen to people never mind me. i was a good citizen i paid my bills didn't do anything too illegal. when i finally sat upright i looked around me i was in a cell. i fell back down on the mattress. trying to remember how i had gotten there. that was when i finally gave in gave up my hopes that this was just a dream or a hallucination of some sort. i felt the back of my head there was a big goose bump there. when i pulled back my fingers to look at them they had blood on them. suddenly i stood up and raced for the door needing to fix this needing to get out of this.i grabbed the bars and started to tug on them. trying to open them. maybe if i pulled hard enough they'd open. they didn't open. maybe if i yelled loud enough someone would open them for me, or at least come to the door so i could tell them that this was a mistake. i wasn't anyone important didn't important people get kidnapped. people with money, people with connections, or even pretty women. since when did unimportant men get kidnapped. i wasn't in a gang or a mob or even the government. so this must be a mistake. i was starting to grow frantic when i felt a hand on my shoulder. i spun around and that's when i realized that i wasn't alone in this cell. there were a bunch of others. they were huddling in groups. they ranged from around 40 to a couple months old. looking at them i realized that they must be a family. a mom, a dad, and a whole bunch of kids. these kidnappers must be new. who kidnaps a bunch of young children? they didn't look rich and they certainly weren't famous. no these were normal people the children looking scared out of their minds, the parents and older ones comforting them trying not to show just how scared they really were. looking at them i realized that maybe these weren't normal kidnappers. maybe there was something more to it than money. that thought scared me more than anything. the fact that maybe there wasn't anything i could do to get out of this one. that there may not be anything i could do. the one thing i didn't like feeling was helpless, and that was exactly what i was feeling. if i couldn't get out of this using money or my skills. which back then i didn't have. then what was going to happen to me. was i going to get killed was this the end of my life? was this were i was going to die in this dank cell with lumpy mattresses, or were they going to torture me. was this the work of some creepy mass murderer who got people to kidnap children and random people then kill them in gruesome painful ways. just so he could feel like a god by taking the life of innocent, defenceless people. i hoped not that wasn't how i wanted to die. i wanted to die of old age, maybe even die with a soft welcoming person with me. maybe even someone who loved me. i didn't want to die scared and alone. suddenly i remembered that there was a little girl beside me. i looked down at her and saw her staring up at me. she had beautiful green eyes with long lashes that fanned over her cheeks. she looked like someone i once new or met, but i couldn't quite remember where or when i'd see a face like her' s. i know where i'd see a face like her's now, because i met her likeness later on. looking down on her i wondered how the owner of such an angelic face could be in such a bad, evil place like this. looking in her eyes i instantly needed to protect her no matter what happened. for someone as self centred as i was that was a new feeling. i didn't understand it then, but i think i might be just now beginning to understand it. hearing her voice is what snapped me out of my thoughts yet again. she said i had to stop making so much noise otherwise i would bring the bad men. looking around me i saw the others nod in agreement. so letting go of the bars i let go if all hope of escape, at least that way. i sat back down on the mattress. looking to my right i saw that the little girl had sat down beside me and was watching my face. she had on an open look of curiosity, a look that only a child could have. seeing her face like that brought back a feeling of knowing her for a long time. a feeling i just couldn't figure out. a feeling that i had met and protected her before. a feeling that just didn't make any sense because i'd just met the girl and i'd certainly never protected anyone before in my life. back then i was too self important to care about anyone else never mind protect anyone else. yet those were the feelings that were going through my head. i heard a clanging sound coming from the door, a squeaking, grinding kind of sound. looking over i saw the door open and a man appear with a bowl in his hand. i rushed over thinking that finally here was a man who could help me. how naive i was then still thinking that it must be a mistake? that i didn't belong here cause after all how could i belong here? one of my biggest mistakes was thinking that it was a misunderstanding that i didn't belong there. the second was that i didn't listen to the little girl when she tried to stop me from stepping forward. i tried to tell the man that i didn't belong but as soon as i got with in reach and opened my mouth i felt a sharp almost blinding pain in the side of my head. i fell to the floor breathing hard, trying not to blackout. if i blacked out then they'd never know that they made a mistake. then help would never come and i' be stuck here forever or worse i'd be dead. no i couldn't think about that, i couldn't give in that easily. i hear the door grinding shut again. such a final sound, a sound that signals the beginning of the end. i ran to the door and shouted to the men on the other side that i was good that this was all just a terrible mistake. all i heard was them laughing and saying that soon i would get to leave. as soon as she got here and the boss got what he wanted. that's how the next week went. we got two meals a day one in the morning and one at night. we got water three times a day and got to use a pot to pee in. if the pot was full before dinner then that was it, no one came to empty it till dinner when they brought us food. i can't remember how many days we spend in there. all i can tell you is it seemed like for ever. sometimes they'd take one of us away to who knows were. no one would talk about what happened when they were taken away. every time the taken was brought back they looked haunted and normally had some bruises to show for it. us older ones tried to feed the littler ones as much food as we could spare. the mother nursed the littlest one so we tried to give her as much extra as we could. tat way she could keep her baby fed and not starve herself. the mother also got extra water as well so she wouldn't get dehydrated too much. i knew we wouldn't last much longer. we were all losing weight, some more than other's. if this continued much longer then we were all going to die really soon.

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