Wayne Manor

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"I could get used to this." I mused, falling onto the king sized bed, letting the crutches fall to the floor.

"I'm glad to hear that, because it sounds as if you'll be staying." Alfred said from the door way. "Anyway, I'll leave you to get settled in, your backpack is in the corner." He said, pointing to the far corner. And with that he closed the door, leaving me to wonder how exactly Bruce got it if I left it in the abandoned apartment building.

- Alfred's POV

"So the 'plan' is coming together?" I asked, making my way down the batcave steps. I had never been one to slide down the poles.

"Yes." He muttered before taking a bite out of a cucumber sandwich. He never took his eyes off the blasted computer screen these days, not even to talk to me.

"I still don't understand why you had him tell you his past when you already knew it. The boy was balling. His eyes are still blood shot Master Bruce." I said. I could see a change in his gaze. Something told me I had just rubbed a bit of salt in the wound.

"Not true. I didn't know his motives behind getting away. Besides, I needed to know I could trust him. He told the truth. All he needs is some non-lethal training. And I didn't instal those cameras for you to listen in." He said, still looking at the screen.

"No, what he needs is a loving family. The least you could do for him is act like a father figure." I said.

Master Bruce sighed. "I'll... make an... attempt..."

"And for the record, I was the one that installed the cameras. And the microphones. As well as half the unnecessary security measures in the Manor."

----an hour earlier
Dick's POV

Batman looked at me musingly, as if waiting for me to continue.

"What?" I asked. My voice cracked. My eyes were watery. My leg was throbbing. He had me right where he wanted me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"How did you get away?" He persisted.

"I had some... allies, who were against Slade too. " I explained what happened the night of my 5th birthday.

It's amazing how many good memories we forget, no matter how hard we try to remember. Or how easy it is to remember the bad ones, no matter how hard you try to forget.


"I-... I failed." I looked down at my lap, the images once again playing in my mind. "My mission, it was the third one I'd failed. I was 5 and now Physical punishment was no longer enough. Slade killed my mother, my caretaker, that night. With my sword, in my room. " I clenched my jaw, and looked up through my out grown bangs. "I decided it was time to leave." I added through gritted teeth.

Batman reached up. He tugged at one of the ears on his cowl until it had been removed.

"You need protection from Deathstroke. I need information on him."

"What are you saying?" I asked, wiping at my eyes with my sleeve.

"I think I have a compromise."

And another chapter is finally done!
Please tell me what you think in the comments, and vote if you enjoyed!

😈🤓Stay Whelmed🤓😈

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