Harry sick-charliecasand1d*Extended

Start from the beginning

Too late now. He whimpered quietly at the sight of the hoards of people crowded outside the venue. Flashing cameras and lights and arms waving around while people conversed in what Harry knew would be anything but quiet voices.

He could feel his head beginning to ache already.

The car slowed down more and more until he felt it stop completely underneath him.
"Out you get Hun," the driver nodded.
Harry croaked a quiet thanks and reluctantly opened the door.

Half an hour later he finally stumbled into a seat. He was sweating at it was so bloody hot in his suit he almost wants to tear the damn thing right off.

"Harry! That you mate?"

His reaction was slower than slow, almost comically, but finally he recognised a familiar Irishman pushing his way through the people with a wide smile, waving in excitement. Harry offered a small wave in response and smiled when Niall plopped into the seat beside him.
"Fancy seeing you here!" Niall grinned, winking and lifting his ankle to rest on his opposing knee.
Harry cleared his throat, "nice boots."
"Nice voice," Niall retorted but although the words were sarcastic Harry could see the obvious worry. Niall was a proper 'wears his heart on his sleeve' kind of guy. His emotions read like a book, always had done.

"Thanks," Harry croaked in response. Niall grimaced, "I was going to ask what you've been up to lately but by the sounds of it all you've been doing is eating nails."

"Feels like it," Harry complained, rubbing his tender nose on his sleeve. He'd done a fair amount of chatting outside and now it felt like his throat had been rubbed completely raw.
Niall rubbed his shoulder sympathetically, "overworking ya self as per usual?"
"Just a bit sick," Harry replied, pushing his hair back with his fingers. He had a lurking suspicion that he'd sweated all the gel out, as well as all the hard work the stylist had put in earlier.
Niall was probably right, he was working hard. He didn't think it was too hard though, not so hard that he deserved the punishment his body was putting him through now.

"Hey look." Niall elbowed Harry's side, "there's Li! Hey Liam! Where's ya girl at?"
Harry winced at the volume emitting from his friend and cowered into the side of his seat slightly. He coughed, this time more than once and more than mildly painfully.
Niall patted Harry's back casually as he waved Liam over.

"Hey lads, how's it going?" Liam grinned as he plopped down into the seat beside Niall. Harry stopped coughing and an easy smile crossed over his features as his foggy brain put together the picture of all of them together not so long ago. Only Louis was missing now, as well as Zayn of course but Harry was too tired to think about all that.

"Pretty damn good!" Niall replied cheerfully, nodding and bouncing up and down in his seat. Liam's gaze focused on a spot just above Harry's head before he settled on Harry's eyes, "and you Curly?"

"Not ba- Holy shit!" Harry gasped at the sudden air blown into his ear and the hands landing on his shoulders. His voice broke and he couldn't help but moan at the pain it brought as he turned to face the culprit.

"Lou, good to see ya mate." Liam waved at the sharp-eyed Doncaster lad as he sat down next to Harry, clapping his shoulders.

Harry rubbed his forehead where the headache was beginning to worsen and leaned back in his seat so that Louis could chat to the other two without him being in the way. He sniffled stuffily and wiped at his eyes. It was all pretty useless, his eyes kept misting up and his nose kept running.

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