Fiddling with the future

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I walked inside the apartment, the air smelled of cigarettes - and death. I looked around, scanning the area, it was my apartment, where I lived with my mother.

However, my apartment did not normally have a bloody knife laying on the sofa, with a note saying "she deserved it" next to it. I panicked, what the hell was going on?

I ran deeper into my apartment, to my mother's room where I found blood flowing out the crack underneath the door.

I called out for my mom, no response. I knocked down the door and found my mom lying on the floor, swimming in a puddle of her own blood, with her beautiful pale face all beat up; a large blackish purple bruise covered much of the left side of her face. Next to her laid a recently smoked cigarette, which wasn't very surprising, I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was December 22nd, 2015.


I woke up in the middle of my apartments living room, next to me sat my mother, Rosalyn, whom was smoking a cigarette.

"Are you okay sweetie? You blacked out about 10 minutes ago," she said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm fine..." I responded still breathing heavily and panting.

"Let me guess, a vision?" she asked, as she served me a glass of water.

"Yes mom, it was just a vision," I confirmed as she handed me the glass of water.

"Oh okay sweetie, what about?" she asked, still with a facial expression that showed her worry and demonstrated her despair for answers.

"Uhm, nothing important actually, well I'm going to go to my room and uh rest," I said, not wanting to worry her with her oncoming death.

I walked to my room and sat down on my bed. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. It was 5:13 p.m. and today's date was October 22nd, 2015 and my mom was destined to die in a month and 9 days. I placed the water on my nightstand and reached for my journal where I recorded my visions, or in this case nightmares, and began writing the following.

Today, on October 22nd, 2015 at roughly 5:03 I experienced a vision into the future. This vision took me to the day of my mother's assasination, which will be ( If I don't intervene ) on December 2nd, 2015. In the vision I found a bloody knife on the sofa, next to a note saying "she deserved it" which is bullshit because nobody deserves to die ( Especially in the way she did ) and my mother is a person that definitely doesn't deserve to die before living out a wonderful and long life. She raised me without the help of anybody, she is the sweetest person you will ever meet, she is the most hard working woman out there. And she is the loveliest wildflower in the field.

I had to stop writing for a second, as the pain of imagining my mother dead in less than a month and a half was just too great. I grasped the glass of water I had on my nightstand, gulped some down, and put it back on the nightstand. Then I continued writing.

I found my mother; beat up, on the floor next to a smoked cigarette. She was, dead. A wonderful woman, killed, before she could finish living out her life. Killed, before I could repay her for all the things she has done for me. Her life ended in a miserable, and painful death. A sad and tragic ending to end the complicated story people called Rosalyn's life. But it doesn't have to happen that way, does it? I can prevent this, well I think I can. I mean last time I fiddled with the future the consequences were much more severe than what I prevented, but then again, what could be worse than losing the woman I love most in this world, the woman that takes her ass to work everyday to help me pay for things. She was, well is, the one lady out there that cares about me with all her heart. She's definitely worth the risk. But in case I can't accomplish that mission ( I know it seems easy, but trust me, fate doesn't let you get away with things easily ). I will treat her like the queen she deserves to be treated like, and I will prize her like she deserves to be prized. But I will also fiddle with the future, I will prevent her death.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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