Chapter 13: Preparing for the Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"Kyubi, I swear to Lord Enma, if those kids get hurt..."

"Calm down, I'm not going to let them get hurt."

Geez, this is the second Yo-kai that's threatened me.

"You better not...those are my students you're sending in there."


After dealing with a few things in Blossom Heights, Whisper had found a box near Everymart with a spirit symbol. Out of curiousity, he placed one of the bronze dolls they had collected and placed it in the box. The bronze doll disappeared and was replaced with ten dollars.

"Okay, I guess the new selling system is finally in. Do you guys have anything you want to sell?"

After looking through the bag and discussing what could and couldn't be sold, they sold the other bronze dolls they had collected, the books they had collected, and a few battle items they had no use for, the amount of money making up for all the food they had bought earlier.

"Woah...where was this box earlier?"

"I honestly have no clue. I guess it was still being set up."

"Okay, we'll head to Mount Wildwood to take care of the Mad Mountain at the Abandoned Tunnel and be one more step closer to a new upgrade."


A quick bike ride later, they were at the steps leading to the shrine. They hopped off their bikes and were about to walk them up the steps when Whisper held his hand out.

"Let me try something."

"Are you going to teleport us up there?"

"If I could teleport all of us, we wouldn't have had to worry about being caught by Gargaros that one night."

Whisper opened the bag, picked up one of the bikes, and let it drop into the bag. Even though they all knew that the bag was bottomless, they were half-expecting to hear it hit something.

"Geez, is there an entire universe in there or something?"

"I would say it's more like a very organized void."

Whisper took the other bike and repeated the same process. As the group started walking up the steps, Whisper pulled out his Yo-kai Pad and started looking something up.

"Whisper, we know where the Abandoned Tunnel is. You don't have to look it up."

"That's not what I'm looking up. I want to see if there's an easier way of storing your bikes. It would be a pain to keep taking them in and out of the bag, but we don't know when and where we might need them."

"Fair enough, Whisper."

They had gotten to the small shrine when Whisper found something.

"Okay, I found a charm that can help."

Whisper showed them a picture of a white and rectangular charm with a clasp and went back to examing the charm.

"While it's mainly used for making moving heavy furniture easier, we can easily use it for carrying your bikes around. All you would have to do is keep it on your person and you can summon your bike whenever you want."

Whisper scrolled down a little and his eyes widened.

"Price too high?"

"No, it's decently priced. It's just if I order it, it won't come until tomorrow morning. I was planning on having you guys ride your bikes to the construction site so that we could save some travel time, but that plan's not going to work."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now