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He felt tears well up as he saw the hate comments coming in slowly but steadily in his notifications.

Yoongi was used to the occasional unreasonable hate comment but becoming the boyfriend of fucking Park Jimin for crying out loud had made him the target of vicious comments- no pun intended.

People started to just randomly tell him to break up with their precious oppa or to just kill himself in his dms were incoming on a daily basis.

What was their problem with him? He didn't get how that little announcement about their relationship was able to let hatred spark in the hearts of millions of people all around the world.

In the beginning he had laughed it all of and had reassured Jimin he was ok and that it would stop at some point.

But it hadn't.

It had gotten worse and worse, an exponential growth of hate directed at Yoongi.... for what? Dating another guy?   Because he was gay?

No. It wasn't the same-sex relationship but the fact that he had supposedly stolen Jimin away from the Vicious fanbase, the Lovebirds.

It was ridiculous. But with every on going day it started to affect Yoongi more and more.

It affected him a lot.
He wasn't just a puppet with no emotions that was not affected by all of this how he was expected to by his management as well as his friends.

It was slowly poisoning his thoughts and he couldn't do shit against it.

And he tried. He really did.

But at some point Yoongi's facade started to crumble and he gradually lost the control he had had over his own emotions.

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