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Eating at a restaurant by yourself if okay, great at times if you need your space away from friends. It can be relieving just to sit there by yourself, eating your food in peace as you breathe in and out slowly.

Eating at a restaurant by yourself when you're Little, on the other hand, is asking for trouble. Jungkook was fine whenever he entered the tiny restaurant, just intending on getting a drink and something small to eat but he was unaware of that the tiniest thing could set him off.

It was first the tiny decorations on the walls, how cute and small they were. There was also the fact that it was a restaurant that allowed dogs in, so Jungkook was currently suffering from continuously cooing at the overgrown puppies. But it was the coloring sheets designed for kids that took his breath away.

They were the new Pororo coloring sheets, ones that Jungkook hadn't been able to get his hands on yet and his hands ached to just grab a few and act like it was normal. But he was an idol, it wouldn't be normal for him.

Letting out a small sigh, Jungkook reached clumsily into his pocket and pulled out his phone where he then rushed to put in his passcode and call one of his hyungs to come pick him up, seeing as they didn't want him to be alone while he was Little.

"What's up, my man?" TaeTae's deep voice exited the phone's receiver.

"TaeT-Taehyung, I need to be picked up." Jungkook tried acting casually but god, it was hard.

"Can't you walk home, Jungkook? You've never wanted one of us to pick you up before?"

"I'm not...um...right to walk home by myself right now." He tried to making it clear to his hyung and waited in silence before the elder gasped deeply.

"Oh, OH. Sorry, Kookie, hyung is just tired and didn't realize it. Where are you at?"

Jungkook told his hyung where he was at before he listened to the elder babble endlessly on and on about what Seokie-hyung and him were about to do before Jungkook called. He also told Jungkook just how proud he was that he had called his hyung instead of trying to be little by himself. Jungkook stuttered on his words and blushed lightly as his hyung chuckled at his mumbling.

It was only minutes later when TaeTae walked into the restaurant and Jungkook immediately perked up. He waved at his hyung and watched as the older man grinned at him before pulling out his card and assumingly paid for Jungkook's meal. Jungkook frowned at that, seeing as he had his own meal and he wasn't full into his little mind set right now but he let it slide, knowing that this was the elder's way of taking care of him.

A few minutes later, they were walking side by side down the sidewalk towards the dorm, trying to quickly get away from the prying eyes of the public. No words were exchanged between the two, just fond looks. Within a few more minutes, the pair was back inside the dorm, safe from the eyes of the world. Jungkook had barely gotten his shoes off before he was being tackled into a big hug from TaeTae.

He squealed as he was lifted into the air and twirled around quickly a few times. Once his feet were back on the floor, he turned and whined at TaeTae who laughed and wrapped an arm around the younger.

"What do you feel about changing and watching a movie with TaeTae, hmm?" He asked the younger, already steering them towards the bedrooms. Jungkook hummed before he looked back at his hyung.

"Where's Seokie-hyung?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side, genuinely curious about where his other hyung was currently located at.

"Probably fell back asleep, he was barely awake when I was here beforehand. Go change for hyung, okay? I'll go get Seokie-hyung and we'll watch anything you want to." TaeTae said before gently pushing himself to his bedroom. Jungkook made quick work of changing, simple sweatpants and a loose shirt, before he exited to the living room, happy to see that Seokie-hyung had made it out to the living room. Jungkook let out a small sound of joy before he launched himself on top of the man.

little space with jeon jungkook {jjk/bangtan}Where stories live. Discover now