He let Jungkook undress himself as he started to draw a bath for him. He added some bubble bath to it and the bath had barely started before Jungkook climbed in and sat down in the water. JinJin shook his head as he leaned against the wall as he waited for the water to fill the tub.

After a long time of scrubbing and rubbing food out of Jungkook's hair and listening to the younger whine 'Hyungie, it hurts', they were finally ready to get out and get dressed. JinJin tried to stop Jungkook from crying but he understood, how hard he was rubbing was going to make his scalp a little sore.

He wrapped Jungkook in a fluffy towel and brought them into Jungkook's room, where he sat the Little on the bed and then threw a towel on top of his head. The Little giggled as the elder dried his hair gently, taking care for his sore scalp. The elder stopping towel drying his hair in favor for finding the Little something to wear.

He brought back a pair of black shorts and a hoodie that belonged to Taehyung but the Little loved wearing other people's clothes.

After the Little was dressed, the elder was smothered in hugs and kisses.

"You said after I was squeaky clean and then I could hug you." Jungkook giggled as cuddled the elder.

JinJin sighed but grinned as he hugged the younger back.

He waited at Joonie knocked on the door, bouncing in place as JinJin held his hand. The door opened and Mingyu was behind the door.

"Hi guys! Is it just you, Jungkook, and Seokjin, Namjoon?"

"Yup. The others had to record or practice today. We somehow got out of it." Joonie said as he chuckled.

Jungkook was excited to come over until the last five minutes, where his nerves had got to him and now he was shaky a little and hiding more behind JinJin than in between the pair.

"What's wrong, bunny?" JinJin said, a concerned look taking over his face.

Jungkook just tugged on the back of JinJin.

"I think he's shy." Mingyu said, giggling at the site of the normally slightly confident Jungkook being a shy person.

"Hi Kookie!" Mingyu said in a slightly higher pitched voice, grinning at the Little. The Little giggled and waved back at the man but stayed behind JinJin for safety.

Mingyu gestured for the trio to come in and once they were in, the Little was being hugged tightly by a slightly taller person.

Jungkook squeaked as the air was forced out of him.

"Hi Jungkookie!" Seungcheol was attached to the Little, chuckling in his ear.

Jungkook said 'Hi' back quietly, twiddling with his fingers.

"Vernonie's super excited to meet you! Don't you want to meet him?" Seungcheol asked, a pout on his lips. Jungkook quickly nodded, wanting to meet someone he could play with. He was walked quickly towards a room with a white door and after the door was opened, he was greeted by the site of Vernon and Seokmin playing with some stuffed animals gently on a floor.

"Kookie!" Vernon yelled out at the site of Jungkook being brought into the room.

"Hi hi." Jungkook said quietly, wanting to hide from the attention being put on him. Vernon cocked his head to the side and held out a stuffed animal.

"Pway? Kookie pway?" Jungkook looked at the site of the stuffed animal and giggled as its eyes shook as Vernon shook it. He nodded and sat down beside of Vernon and Seokmin.

For the next couple of hours, Jungkook probably played every game known to man and colored countless pages of random things before he made his way back out to the elders and tiredly cuddled Joonie.

"I'm tiwed Joonieee!" Jungkook whined, hiding his face into Joonie's neck. Another person came up behind him and tossed the hood of his jacket over his head, obscuring his face from view.

"You wanna take a nap, sweetheart? Or do you wanna go home and we can come back again another day?" JinJin asked, a hand rubbing his back. Jungkook shrugged and snuggled in closer to Joonie, trying to steal his warmth.

A hand came up and felt his forehead before he heard whispering going on above him.

Jungkook normally would've wanted to eavesdrop but he was too tired to do so. Sooner than later, they were leaving the dorm of Seventeen and going back to their dorm. By the time they arrived back at their dorm, Jungkook was wide away but to his dismay, he was changed and put directly in bed.

"But I don't wanna, Hyungie!" Jungkook whined as he jumped on his bed.

"Jeon Jungkook, for the fifth time, please stop jumping on your bed and just lay down." JinJin begged him, slightly trying to force him down as well.

Jungkook kept jumping until his tummy started turning. He slowly stopped and stood still for a moment.


"Yeah, baby."

"I feel sicky." Jungkook managed to get out before he threw up all over the floor of his room. Joonie, who was in the corner of the room watching, started to gag at the sight but after being prompted by JinJin, Jungkook was led out of his room and into the living room where he was laid down and a blanket was tossed gently on top of him.

Jungkook drifted in and out for the next while but he eventually concluded that he was sick with a stomach bug, which was causing havoc on his digestive system. He couldn't keep anything down and his stomach was turning but he was hungry and dying to eat something. He was crying lightly into the couch as someone rubbed his back.

"It hurts Hyungie." He paused in his sentence to dry heave. "Make it stop!"

"I wish I could, Kookie, you just gotta wait it out. If it doesn't get any better by in the morning, we'll go to the doctor, first thing, alright?" JinJin said while rubbing his back.

Jungkook nodded right before he dry heaved again.

By the morning, he had almost stopped vomiting and dry heaving which was a relief to all three participants. Jungkook was finally able to eat soup and keep it down and he almost cried once he realized that fact.

"Hyung, I can keep it down finally!"

Seokjin just smiled and patted his head before heading up to Jungkook's room to change the linen on his bed, which is something he should have done the night before.

After changing the sheets and blankets on his bed, he came back down and saw the sight of Namjoon and Jungkook cuddling on the couch, watching reruns of Spongebob on the television. He sighed happily before he sat beside of the pair and was immediately cuddled by the youngest.

There was no other place that he'd rather be.

little space with jeon jungkook {jjk/bangtan}Where stories live. Discover now