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I faint and see the darkness

The souls laughing on me

Their vibrant red eyes,

Their dark black bodies

Their pale white fangs

Dig into my skin

This is what darkness is

This is where I shall die

No longer alive 

No longer dead

I have to give up

I want to give up

But I can't

Every time I try

I see her face

She's the reason I can't

If I give up

I'll never see her again

I'll never smell her again

I'll never touch her again

I'll never hear her again

And I'll never taste her cookies again

That's when I realize even if I don't give up 

I will never sense her again

That's when I give up and this pitch black room filled with darkness,

and crying souls

It turns darker

The souls are gone

I start floating away

I stay here forever...

I never see anyone again...


Yes, I know this didn't rhyme at all. And yes, I know I haven't updated. I'm just not feeling it anymore. I think this might be the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed my book! Meow! 😺

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