"You love her," she said quietly.

Tom sighed. "Yes...I do. Come with me, I have something to show you."

Doing as he asked, Narcissa followed Tom down the hallway of his home. Narcissa noticed that it was oddly dark outside, especially considering it was the middle of the day. He opened a door at the end of the hallway and asked her to stay put. He returned shortly, and they walked back to the door, as it was the place with the most light. He handed Narcissa a small, black box.

"Open it," he said, almost a whisper.

Carefully, Narcissa lifted the lid of the box, gasped, and immediately burst into tears when she saw the diamond ring.

"I was going to ask her..." he whispered so quietly Narcissa barely heard him. She embraced him tightly.

"Tom, I am so sorry. She would have said yes. A million times, yes. Tom, please come to this wedding. She needs you, and you need her."

He said nothing. As Narcissa turned to leave, he said, "I don't know what I should wear." Narcissa smiled and ushered for him to follow her. "Come with me," she said.

When Tom opened his eyes, he saw that Bellatrix had taken a step back, hands over her mouth in shock and tears streaming down her face. He looked away from her.

"I love you, Bella. And every single day, especially in moments like this, I wish you were mine."

Bellatrix ran over to him, embraced him tightly, and kissed him over and over again. This was the first time he had ever told her he loved her and Bellatrix couldn't have been any happier.

     "I love you, Tom. I always have. And as far as I'm concerned, I am yours. No matter whose ring I wear." He smiled and kissed her again, both of them so lost in the moment that they didn't hear someone apparate behind them.

     "Bellatrix?" Someone asked.

Bellatrix whipped around to see a very shocked, angry, and upset Rodolphus.

     "Rodolphus, I can expla-," she began, but stopped when Rodolphus slapped her across the face. She fell to the ground.

     "How could you! I-," Rodolphus began, but suddenly fell silent. Bellatrix looked up slowly and saw that Tom had Rodolphus by the throat.

     "I swear, if you touch her again, I'll make you beg for death," he snarled. Rodolphus's eyes were wide and he was gasping for breath.

     "Tom, just let him go. It's okay."

     "It's not okay."

     "Please," she said, "we can just obliviate him and send him home."

Tom glared at Rodolphus and reluctantly loosened his grip on him. Immediately, he pointed his wand at Rodolphus and muttered, obliviate. The memories left his mind instantly, and as soon as they were gone, Tom waved his wand and he disappeared.

     "I sent him home with a terrible stomach bug, so he shouldn't come back," Tom said, walking over to Bellatrix and picking her up off the ground. He touched the side of her face that was marked with a handprint, and Bellatrix winced slightly. He kissed her cheek softly, and the mark disappeared.

     "There, love," he said.

     "Thank you," she said, kissing him. "We should go inside now," she said.

He set her gently on her feet and held out his hand. She took it gently, and they walked together to the front doors of the grand school. The magical doors opened themselves, and the walked to the doors of the great hall. Students standing out in the halls watched them in awe, some remembering them from their time at Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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