Chapter 1

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"(Y/N) get up!" Izuku yelled. "We're going to be late for the entrance exam!" He warned.

You groaned and rolled over in your bed, your lazy attitude muffled in your pillow. "I'm getting up!" You yelled, slowly lifting yourself from bed. Blinking slowly, you mumbled to yourself as you flipped on the lights and went into your closet.

It's too early for this. I need my beauty sleep.

After removing your pajamas and replacing them with comfortable sweatpants and a tank top, you left your room and went to the living room, Izuku waiting impatiently. You watched him as you brushed your (H/C) hair back and tied it into a high ponytail with a faded (F/C) ribbon. You always had the ribbon on you.

"Why are you always so slow?" He asked, sounding both annoyed and teasing.

"Why are you always so fast?" You retorted lazily as you stretched.

Izuku rolled his eyes as you snickered. "Come on, we have to go!"

He grabbed your wrist and towed you out of the apartment. You sighed as you looked wistfully at Inko who laughed at you. "But breakfast..."

"You should've woken up earlier." Izuku nagged.

You rolled your eyes and pulled your wrist away, breaking into a healthy jog along side Izuku. "I swear, if I missed breakfast and I don't even make it into the academy I'll be so pissed."

"Heh, y-yeah." Izuku nodded.

You glimpsed at him and chuckled. He was clearly excited about this, but he was a nervous wreck. You ruffled his green hair and laughed, running backwards as you teased him. "Come on Izuku. You've been doing your mystery training for forever! You'll make it." You assured him.

You wouldn't even let me see...

"Easy for you to say. You've had your quirk since we were little..." He joked.

You shrugged and looked ahead as the academy came into view. Floods of students were rushing for the entrance and you couldn't help but feel your jaw drop. "Wow..." You gasped. "Look at the competition."

Izuku's face drained of color and you faked a laugh. "Nah, I'm just kidding. You could take any of these guys..."

He tried to smile but failed, only succeeding to look more nervous. "God... what if I embarrass myself..." He muttered, suddenly becoming very anxious.

"Izuku relax! You'll do great!" You encouraged him.

"B-But I barely... oh God what if I trip up?! What if I don't make it but you do?!"

"I wouldn't continue on without you. We could do general studies together!" You smiled.

"And what if-"

Izuku was interrupted as he tripped over a cracked slab of concrete. He was instantly silent and you watched him fall, not able to catch him.

This is going to be mortifying.

You waited for him to hit ground. That is until you watched as a girl quickly tapped at his back and he stopped moving. His eyes were closed shut, waiting for impact until finally he opened them and looked around.


You both look up at his savior to see a kind looking, brunette who smiled sheepishly. The brown waves of hair stopped just at her shoulder. Her brown eyes were kind as she offered a nervous smile. She had a petite frame covered by a comfortable looking coat. In a way you now felt under-dressed as you looked at the small, cute girl. "S-sorry!" She blurted. "I just reacted..."

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