Chapter Sixteen *Edited

Start from the beginning

He nodded his eyebrows furrowed in worry at my tone.

“Trust is two cannibals giving each other blowjobs, Seth. This is not really about the trust.” I said, half-lying. “This is about you being stupid enough to think I would really let you leave. Did you think that I was just going to let that happen?”

“Sylvie, I know your hurt….”

“Hurt?” I parroted cutting him off. “Nope, I’m not hurt. I’m pissed off. You have managed to piss me off. I want to hit you. I want to claw your eyes out with a gardening rake. I want to smack you over the head with a cinderblock until all the stupidity is out of your brain!”

“I love you!” he suddenly blurted.

Everything froze. My heart, my lungs, my mind, my skin went numb and all I could do was stare into his green eyes blinking slowly. I had to give to Seth; he knew how to shut me up.

“You what?” I breathed.

His fingers caressed the side of my face. “I love you, Sylvie. I’ve loved you for so long but I just thought it was the mating bond. I thought it was my wolf making me want you but then I met you. You were spunky and funny. You made me laugh when I rarely laugh. You make me happy, Sylvie. God, even when your threatening to beat me up I can’t help but think of how beautiful you are.”

“That’s…kind of a fucked up thing to be turned on about.” I said not really functioning at my best intelligence level.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I know but it’s true.”

“So, you love me? Like really, really love me?”

“I do.”

His tone was solemn and his face serious. Well I’ll be damned the hot piece of wolf tale was really actually in love with me. Made me almost feel bad for the poor sod. Now the question became did I love Seth?

He was hot, granted. Him leaving me made me want to shoot fire from my mouth. The idea of him with other women made me homicidal. Seth’s green eyes could make me melt like ice cream on a sidewalk. His voice was shiver worthy. When he held me he made me feel safe and complete. Well…the evidence was in his favor. Apparently my silence was making him nervous though because he spoke up eventually.

“You don’t have to say it back.” He said quickly. “I know this has been quick and—“



“Shut up.” I smiled. “I have some quick questions and then I’ll respond to your confession, okay?”

He nodded with a cute little confused frown.

“Okay. Favorite color?”

“What?” he chuckled.

“Your favorite color, Seth. What it is?”

“Um, Gold.”

“Cool.” I beamed. “Favorite food.”

He shrugged. “I guess Pineapple.”

I made a face. “Gross.”

“What about you?” he asked me with a crooked smile.

“Color or food?”


“Um, I guess favorite color would be, red. Favorite food would be Chinese food hands down. I have to drive all the way to Farmington just to get it though. It’s like an hour drive just for the stuff so I usually just settle with some ramen since I’m pretty useless in the kitchen.”

The dazed look I recognized as affection was in Seth’s eyes when I looked up at him. It made me blush and I am not much of a blusher. He was still lying on top of me on the bed but he was kind of angled off so I could use my hands as I talked. It was an intimate position but casual at the same time.

“Okay, now for the hard questions...” I said mock seriousness overcoming my face. “Favorite band of all time?”

“That’s a hard question?” he asked, humor glittering in his eyes.

I nodded.

“Alright. I guess I’d have to say Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.” He said with a slight shrug. “You?”

“Lemmy Kilmister is God.” I said carelessly.

“That’s not a band, though.” He pointed out.

“Don’t question my answers or I’ll put you back in your fancy little dog house, wolf-boy.” I threatened half-heartedly.

He made a show of clasping his mouth shut but the humor was all over his face. We carried on like that until morning became noon and we ended up debating who was a better Dumbledore, the first one or the second one they had to replace him with. It was a nerdy conversation but my cheeks were aching from laughing so much.

“Hey Seth?” I called as his head laid on my chest, his ear pressed to my left breast as he listened to my heartbeat. My fingers were running through his dark brown hair and I swore I could hear him purring.


“I love you, too.”

The Nobodies * Original Version*Where stories live. Discover now