Chapter 12

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The next day

Diana and Chris play tennis outside

Diana is winning

Chris: lucky shot

Bella comes outside to watch

Bella: I'm going to Autumns house wanna come Diana

Chris stares at Diana

Diana: no thanks I would rather stay here, it's more fun and plus you guys will just ignore me

Bella: suit yourself

Bella walks back inside

Diana hits the tennis ball back at Chris

Skipper walks up

Skipper: can I play

Diana: sure

Chris remembers the day before and fills with rage

Chris: hey skipper how about​ me vs you

Skipper: ok

Diana sits on the sidelines watching

With Amy

Amy and Amanda stand in the pool

Amanda: Amy

Amy: yes Amanda

Amanda: do you think that Diana is ok

Amy: she didn't stutter when she met cream yesterday

Amanda: she didn't man

Amy: she has a friend that is a boy

Spirit breaks into the room

Spirit: what

Amy: they are just friends

Amanda: just friends spirit

Spirit: if you say do

Spirit leaves the room

Amy: that is just weird

Amanda: he is weird but I like it

With Diana

Chris won almost every game against skipper

Skipper: good game

Chris: same to you

Diana: that was cool and exciting

Diana runs up and hugs Chris

Chris blushes

Skipper get jealous

Skipper: how about a rematch

Chris: ok

Diana goes back to the sidelines

Skipper starts out

With Bella

Bella: hi Autumn

Autumn: hi Bella where is Diana

Bella: she is hanging out with Chris

Slay: I wanna join them

Pluto: go ahead son, Sally was gonna watch you any way

Slay runs to them and sees the tennis game

He walks over to Diana

Slay: hi Diana

Diana: hi slay how are you

Slay: I'm good

Diana watches the tennis ball

Slay: who do you think is gonna win

Diana: I don't know

Slay: I know Chris will win

Diana: you wanna play on teams

Slay: sure me and you vs them

Diana: ok

Chris wins the game

Skipper and Chris walk up to Diana and Slay

Chris: hi buddy

Slay: hi Chris

Skipper: who wants to go in the woods

Diana: are we even allowed

Chris: we are allowed

Slay: let's go

Skipper leads the way with slay behind him

In the back Diana and Chris holding hands

Diana: Chris

Chris: yes Diana

Diana: I got a bad feeling

Chris: me too

Than Fiona grabs slay

Slay: hey hey

Skipper stands next to her

Skipper: Chris stay here, Diana come with me

Chris: we will not listen to what you say

Chris puts his hand in front of Diana

Diana: why skipper

Skipper: it's just businesses Diana

Chris: if you want her you have to fight me skipper

Skipper: if you wish

Skipper punches Chris

Diana: Chris

Skipper kicks Chris

The fight goes on with Chris getting beat

With ???

???: I can't wait to have Diana in my hands

Rosetta: why do you want her so badly

???: she will help me

Than Leo walks in

Leo: want me to attack Amy

???: yes Leo

Leo runs out

With Diana

Chris lost the fight and passes out

Diana: Chris

Skipper: don't worry about him

Diana: how can I not

Skipper: now come with me

Diana: fine but don't harm him again

Fiona drops slay

Fiona, Diana, and skipper disappear

Slay grabs Chris and takes him to Chris's house

Once there

Sally put Chris on his bed

Than sonic called the freedom fighter and informed Amanda that her daughter was kidnapped

End of Chapter 12
Chapter 13 coming soon

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