The worst day of my life: part 2

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After all that chaos, I think that I will never survive high school. Tommy won't either. I told him about the meat thing and what happened. "Sorry", Tommy said. “you should tell Mrs. Frackle about it." "I will do it tomorrow so nobody will see my rip.", I said. “Nice move", Tommy said.

I went to the whole day getting called "fat”. I swear if someone calls me fat more one time. I will choke them till they die. They kept on calling me fat, but I couldn't beat then up.

There is another thing about me.

I am super weak.

I am serious. If I did arm wrestle with a 1st grader, he will win.

Oh and another thing about me.

I am short.

I am basically a might. So I am fat, weak, and short.

All the qualities of a loser.

I don't even know how I managed to go through school but I did. So did Tommy. Kind of.

He was thrown into the girls’ bathroom once. So anyways, I got back home. I was so glad that vicious do didn't get me. So I went home, grabbed on my sister’s shirt and sat on her. "What are you doing you elephant?", my sister said. "What does it look like?", I said.

MOOOOOOOOM!!!! Albert is sitting on me again. MOOOMMM!!!

So it pretty much sums up from there.

I am still sitting. sitting, sitting.

My sister is still screaming, screaming, screaming....

Finally my mom came. "What are you doing, Albert!", my mom said. She is skinny too. I told her what happened.My mom look at my sister looking suspicious."I did not! It was probably his streak of bad luck. My mom didn't believe her.I could tell by the look on her face.My sister has been doing a lot of sneaky stuff lately so my mom didn't buy it. "Tracy, go to you room!", my mom said. My sister muttered as she slowly walked to her room. "Albert take off your jacket", my mom said. I took it off. "Luckily I don't see any bleeding but take a bath and clean your back so it wont cause infection"

That is the thing about my mom. She always knows what to do. As I took a bath, I wondered how horrifying tomorrow will be.

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