the absolute worst day of my life

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HEY EVERYBODY, FAT ALBERT JUST WALKED IN!" a boy said. I kept my eyes on the ground as I slowly just walked through the line. "SINCE HE LIKES FOOD SO MUCH THEN WHY DON'T WE GIVE IT ALL TO HIM?" Suddenly something that was steaming down my back! What was that! I yelled as I ran to the bathroom. As I ran, I heard everyone started laughing but I ran in the bathroom anyway. I looked in the mirror and saw a huge rip on my shirt from the dog and there was hot chili all over the back of my shirt and my back. I was furious. First, I took my jacket out of my bookbag and my suspicion was right. It smelled like ground beef. I wondered who rubbed ground beef all over my jacket. I decided to retrace my steps. Okay so I did my morning stuff. I left my jacket on my sofa and went to get my bookbag and I got it and left....the only person that woke up was my sister. That means she did all that stuff all along. He probably even trained that dog to attack me. I couldn't wait to make her choke on her own blood. I decided to keep my jacket on for the whole day until it is all over. I just held my breath my walked out the door. When I went out the door, I was really expecting something bad. But it was all just quiet. Oh, now I see why Mrs. Frackle just came in and it all got quiet. Thank god. I do not know how I will ever repay her. I should tell her about the chili incident she won't see the rip and all of that. Okay I got this all under control.

It is not under soon as Mrs. Frackle left, I just remembered something. If they saw the rip o will be embarrassed for the rest of high school! That's when I heard people whispering about the rip on my shirt. You think they let me sit at a table? You wish. I sat on the steps to bathroom. But when I was going to take a huge bite out of my chicken sandwich, I was grabbed by my shirt up the steps. Oww! Who us doing this? I couldn't see who it was but it sure had strong hands carrying my to the cafeteria and hung me in the air. The person that said, "Hey everybody. Look at fat is a miracle that I can pick him up". Everyone started to laugh. I was so ashamed but I was glad nobody saw the rip if he took off my jacket. I will be finished.

"Give it up for the boy who is very chubby the boy who is a dummy-"

Hey you can't be talking about him. You are the fattest boy in the world.

I knew that voice. I forgot to tell you. I have a friend and he is skinny. His name is Tommy. He is not going to come out alive. Oh now I know the person that was was Joe Burty, the school bully must admit he was kind of fat. But I will never in a million years say that. "Who said that", Joe said cracking is knuckles. Who is it? I could hear kids being scared. But then people kept on shouting, "It was him!” pointing to Tommy. Joe finally noticed. He started to walk toward Tommy with me still in his fist! When he finally got to Tommy he picked him up. But Tommy looked like he didn't even care. He just yawned like he wasn't about to be crushed. "If you think you are so skinny then you wouldn't care to be in the trashcan." Suddenly he flung Tommy in a nearby trashcan. "He shoots, he scores. I gulped. Why did you do that you fat ugly boy, I thought I said to myself.

See what happened there. I said thought if you were listening. That means that I said it loud. .Uh oh! That is the worst move I ever made in my whole life.  “What did you say?’ Joe said. Before I could speak he squeezed and threw me into a nearby trashcan. The same one that Tommy was in. I was in so much pain. Luckily, Joe walked away and kids were whispering but I couldn't see what they were talking about. Thanks for sticking up for me", I said." You too, Tommy said.

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