Chapter One: The lamb.

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Danny sat next to Jackson after he made some room for him by sending one of his acolytes away, and started eating his lunch slowly. Next to him, his best friend was apparently flirting—or at least it looked like it—with a girl from their English class whose name he had forgotten.

"Am I right, Danny?" Jackson asked him in a conniving look. But Danny had not listened to a word he'd said. "Haven't I scored the winning point at the last minute the other day in lacrosse?"

"Yes, you have, Jackson," he murmured quietly.

Danny was not much of a talker. Especially when his best friend was bragging to anonymous girls and left him alone. Truth was he liked Jackson. But the man wasn't interested in anyone but himself.

As he was telling everyone what he accomplished in sports, Stilinski, who was sitting by Scott McCall a few seats away from Danny, said, "Hey, Jackson! You'd better watch it in lacrosse! Haven't you heard? The new kids are gonna kick your ass, harder than Scott did!"

There was a silence at the table after Allison glared at her boyfriend's best friend. Danny raised his eyes, glancing at Jackson. He was furious, surely because he had not been informed of this arrival.

"Who are they?" he whispered.

"Didn't you see them?" the girl he had wooed replied. "They made quite an impression this morning. Especially the blond one," she added in a vicious smile.

Jackson turned to Danny, questioning him silently. But his friend shrugged. He didn't know what they were talking about either.

After lunch, Jackson took his mate to an empty corridor and whispered to him, "Okay I don't know what that was about. But no one's ever taking my place at the top of the school. We find them, and we make sure they never cause trouble. Alright? Now where's my stupid girlfriend."

"You really shouldn't treat people like that, you know. Lydia's a great person. And I'm sure the new ones are, too. Just get a chance to meet them."

"Are you kidding me? They've come to try and steal my glory. I won't let them. Better watch that Scott kid too before he gets too popular."

"Hey, Jackson. Don't you think you're overreacting?"

"If you don't wanna help, just say so, Danny. I just thought I counted more to you than those people you don't even know."

"Of course you count to me... But—"

"Fine. Then help me find Lydia."

Danny sighed and they parted. Sometimes, he admitted it, Jackson could really piss him off. But he was his best friend since second grade.

As he was looking for the gingerhead his friend was dating, texting her while walking into empty corridors, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey, can you watch where you're going?" a male voice said.

He raised his head, facing a tall, blond guy with no apparent imperfection marks. He was quickly drawn back by a beautiful brunette in an all-leather outfit, with a gorgeous smile.

"Easy, Jace

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"Easy, Jace." Then, she added, looking at Danny from his hair to his toes, "Mmh, cute... But so gay." She turned to one of the guys that followed her. "This one's for you, Alec."

"Shut up, Izzy," so-called Alec mumbled. He said to Danny, "Excuse us."

And the squad left with incredible grace. Danny had just the time to detail quickly the man that had last spoken to him. Alec. He was by far the tallest of them three, with dark—almost black—hair and tight, pitch black clothing.

Hot, Danny thought, starting breathing again.

But before he could think of anything else, someone stopped in front of him and asked, "So? Did you find her?" Jackson was waiting for his answer, but he just smiled, mentally absent. "Danny?"

He got a grip on himself, shaking his head, and replied evasively, "No. No, I didn't. But I found the new kids."

"Where are they?"

"They just left. But Stilinski was right. They might be serious rivals in lacrosse. Especially the tall one."

"Holy hell," Jackson sighed in anger. He glanced back at his best friend and continued, "Let's get outta here. Lydia must be with Allison."

Danny was reluctant to follow him, still thinking about his encounter with the new kids, and Jackson had to pull on his hand to make him move.

Alec, huh? I like that name, Danny thought in a smile.

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