Just a small child

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One simple day, a demigod and a demigoddess decided it was time for their second child.
9 months later, the child was born, he was small, fragile like any other baby, but unlike his parents, he had brown wings and white glowing eyes. Knowing a mother's love, she could never hate such a baby, to the father, he believed it was a disgusting beast with no appearance of his parents. The mother held her newborn baby close, loving the tiny child to pieces. Their other son entered the room to see his brother, he seemed excited to see this lovely child, but then his face went upset and he waked out. This child looked nothing of him or his parents, he had no reason to love the child.

Weeks turned to months, and months into years. The child could walk and talk, but he was always to afraid to talk to his father and brother, but today was a special day. His fifth birthday, he only celebrated with his mommy, since he had no friends. The day was fun, but night had come, and the little boy changed into something abnormal, a werewolf, fluffy, brown fur covered him all over. Startled, he didn't know what happened. His mother was afraid, not knowing what had happened to her small child. Neither of them understood, but this new Wolfe character seemed fine about it, he acted like a pup. Knowing the mother, she still had to love him, this was her child. The wolf seemed to be very cuddly, so they went to bed, and left it to the morning to figure things out.

As day came, Hero turned back to normal, he woke up shaking, looking at his mommy, he shook her lightly, trying to wake her up, but she wouldn't, he continues to try, but her heart no longer beated, for she was dead. Dread filled the child, he cried over her body for what seemed to be hours, hopping to awaken her. His father found them, and it seemed to be the wrong time. He blamed his poor son for this, he blamed him for all his troubles after she died. Hero was beaten, starved, left outside in the cold. He was broken inside, years passed and the poor boy was sitting alone, his ribs poked through his skin, a man in a white coat saw him, he came up to hero with a clipboard, and poked at him. "Strange creature you are?" The doctor person took him, his father didn't care one bit. Hero was taken away forever, to as place even worse then his father.

(Hello! This is my very first story, I really hope you enjoy)

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