Chapter 10

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Jennie's POV:
I was in a rush to go back to class to check if Jisoo unnie was ok. I did not see where I was going and knocked onto someone.


I immediately apologized and was about to run off when the person pulled my wrist and turned me around to face him.


It's Jaebum, aka. Jb.

I knew I was in trouble.

"How many hours? I'm free anytime today!"

I told him.

Every time I knocked into him (which is quite often) I would have to go to his house to do his chores for him.

I was very clumsy and often would bang into people.

"I'll need a week,"
He replied.

"A week?!"

I had no issue with that but how am I going to tell my parents to let me stay for a week?

I looked down then said,

"I tell you when I get home!"

With that, I ran away.

I ran up the stairs to see if Jisoo unnie was ok and realized that she was asleep again.

Jinyoung was there too. He looked up and nodded at me.

So I'm guessing she's ok.

I sat down on my seat and sighed.

How am I going to stay at Jb's house for a week.

My parents would kill me.

Someone knocked into me.

It's Jennie.


She shouted and was about to run of when I grabbed her wrist and turned her around.

He looked at me for a second and asked,

"How many hours? I'm free anytime today!"

I thought for a moment.

My parents went overseas for work for one month and I'll be home alone.

"I'll need a week!"

"A week?!"
She was shocked.

"I'll tell you when I get home!"
She replied and ran away.

Is she really in such a hurry?

This chapter is short and I will update about this part after finishing the other parts if I have time to update. Sorry😓😭

Uncontrollable WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang