James looked like his heart was going to burst as he watched her. His whole face was alight and he was smiling broadly. When she made it to the arch her dad pushed the veil from her face and gave her a kiss before going to sit down.

The ceremony was a pretty standard. They hadn't written their own vows or anything. Her ring was this pretty yellow gold and his a solid gold band. When she took his from me she was shaking a little and nearly dropped it.

After the whole kiss the bride everyone just cheered so loudly. It was so beautiful and Gaby just looked as happy as I'd ever seen her. It made my heart burst. We signed the wedding certificate and did photos around the park while her guests all went to the reception. Chris, who really only knew me hovered about holding things for people and when I was free to go while Gaby and James had couples photos taken we wandered over to the art gallery where the reception was taking place.

"He's really in love with her, huh?" Chris said, linking his hand with mine.

I leaned into him. "Looks that way. Man, his face when he saw her."

Chris laughed. "Looked like he'd seen the stars for the first time."

I stopped him and leaned up and kissed him. "I love you that much."

"I love you more." He countered and kissed my nose.

The reception was beautiful. It was in the sculpture garden and had these beautiful coloured lanterns hung around the trellising. The sculptures were all illuminated and the tower of the Museum of man was lit up and loomed over it. It's beautiful Portuguese architecture looked particularly stunning lit up at night.

Chris sat at a table with the other partners of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and he seemed to make friends pretty quickly. He was soon laughing and joking with everyone over dinner.

The toasts came next and I was the one who had to start. I was pretty fucking nervous to be honest. I know I give lectures as part of my job, or well I did at one point. Even still I fucking hate public speaking.

The emcee thanked everyone for coming and called me over. I got up a little shakily and cleared my throat. "Hi everyone. My name is Emily. Gaby is my best friend in the entire world. I don't make friends easily, but when I met her it just clicked. She was my soulmate and she couldn't have come into my life at a better time. I was new to Los Angeles. I didn't know anyone. We worked together and our boss took us out to the desert together. By the time we got home we had made a million plans. We were going to parties and galas and doing movie marathons.

"Gaby has been there by my side during some of the worst things in my life, never wavering. She has been there for some of the best things too. I have been so grateful to have her."

I swallowed and looked over to her. She smiled up at me. "I love her so much. She's basically my sister. Well I think it's official now because her mum said she'd adopt me which is nice."

There was a little bit of laughter at that one and I relaxed a little. "I remember once we had a conversation about soul mates. I said I didn't believe there was just one. That we had many. Some were just temporary. Ships in the night passing and being there for when you need them. Others were permanent. But they all filled different roles. Gaby is one of mine. I know that for a fact.

"She told me that was nice, but she wished she could get the one she got to have sex with."

There was loud laughter at that. I looked over at Chris and he was clutching his pec. "Well anyway that wasn't me obviously much to my dismay. But I think she found him now. James as different as he seems on the outside, all quiet and English and very, very white, is just her puzzle piece. They complete each other. I'm so happy you got to find the soulmate you get to have sex with, Gaby."

I picked up my glass and raised it. "So raise your glasses to soulmates and to Gaby and James."

A mutter of 'to Gaby and James' washed through the garden and there was clinking. When I went to sit down Gaby hugged me tightly and James gave me a kiss on the cheek. There were more toasts to be had. The best man was hilarious, as was Gaby's dad.

When the dancing started Chris came and dragged me onto the dance floor. "So I'm your soul mate that gets to have sex with you?" He asked.

I laughed putting my head on his chest. "I mean, you're one of a few that get that."

Chris lost it laughing. "Then what makes me special?"

I ran my finger over his bottom lip. "You're the soul mate who get's every piece of me. Who has seen parts of me that no one else has ever seen. Who I wake up next to and who I will grow old with."

Chris nipped at my finger and looked down at me. "Fuck I love it when romantic Emily comes out." He sighed and kissed me. I was long and deep, and both his hands went to my face.

"What can I say, weddings." I smiled.

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