8. Frozen Grandparents

Start from the beginning

Dana sighed, throwing her arms up in defeat, "Fine! Fine, you were right! I like him, okay?" Lisa smugly smirked, "I like the annoyance that is Gary Wallace," Dana huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well," Lisa started, "You should go tell him then,"

"No can do, I'm pretty sure he hates me, he just snapped at me upstairs," she fiddled with her fingers, "nothing's changed to him,"

"Nonsense!" Lisa frowned, "Just trust me on this one, okay? That guy is head over heels for you,"

Their conversation got cut short as the house started to shudder, and the two looked up to see bright lights flashing from Wyatt's window, "We better go see what they're up to,"


Once they got up there, Dana was pretty sure the house had been turned upside down – just like it had last time, when they created Lisa.

Lisa turned their light on, and both Gary and Wyatt's eyes widened. Dana stood quietly behind her, avoiding Gary's gaze.

"You had to be big shots, didn't you?" Lisa scolded, "You had to show off, when are you gonna learn that people will like you for what you are, not for what you can give them?" she paused, as Gary and Wyatt looked to their feet in shame, "In your race for power and glory, you forgot one, small, detail."

Wyatt looked up, "We forgot to hook up the doll?"

"You forgot to hook up the doll,"

The floor then opened and some sort of missile grew out of it, Lisa smirked, before fixing her hair and walking off, "Come on Dana, let's let these two sort out the problem they've created,"


Dana was just starting to have fun, when she heard some people booing behind her, and she turned to see Wyatt's grandparents pushing their way through the crowd.

"Oh shit," she muttered.

"Dana! What's going on young woman? Where is Wyatt?" his grandpa yelled.

"Uh, he's just, uh," luckily Lisa noticed what was going on, and came over to talk to them.

"Excuse me!" she shouted, "You ought to know better than to walk into somebody's house and start yelling at an innocent teenager!"

"This is my daughter's home, who the hell are you?" he questioned.

"Well, I'm a very dear, close, personal friend of your grandson's,"

His grandma frowned, "Call the police,"

"I will," he glared at Lisa, "I'll have you in custody,"

"Lisa, this is getting serious," Dana muttered behind her.

Lisa did nothing but roll her eyes, "Here's the deal, folks, Gary and Wyatt, they created me on their computer,"

"I am not gonna stand here and listen to this baloney!"

"He won't, you know, he doesn't stand for baloney,"

Lisa huffed, "Dana, go and get Wyatt please, I'll deal with them,"


The door to Wyatt's room creaked open as Dana cleared her throat, "Uh, Wyatt, you might wanna come downstairs,"

Wyatt sighed, "I have to figure out a way to get rid of this missile first, so I can't at the moment,"

"No seriously," Dana gulped, "your grandparents are here,"

Both Gary and Wyatt's eyes widened and hurried downstairs, in search of Lisa.

"Lisa, where are my grandparents?" Wyatt questioned once they found her in the kitchen (which was blue by the way).

She shrugged, "They're all taken care of, okay?"

She motioned for them to follow her, and lead them to a blue cupboard, "You're gonna love this one," she chuckled. When she opened the door, there were Wyatt's grandparents, frozen like statues.

"A-are they alright?" Wyatt stuttered.

"They're fine, in fact they're better than fine," she smiled, "They're not aging anymore, see, they're smiling,"

Gary pulled a stunned Wyatt backwards, "Uh, Lisa, if any more of his relatives turn up, we'll be upstairs in the bathroom, okay?" he pulled Wyatt out of the kitchen, and the two made their way upstairs.

"Those guys really need some self-confidence," Lisa sighed, crossing her arms.

"Oh god, what are you gonna do now?" Dana panicked, she really didn't know what to expect from Lisa anymore, she was definitely full of surprises, to say the least.

"Give them a challenge," she shrugged, "Something that will bring out their inner strength and courage," she shut the cupboard and turned to face the teenage girl, "And maybe I can get Gary to admit his feelings for you while I'm at it," she shook her head, "I am so bloody clever,"

She clicked her fingers and motorbikes were heard from outside, "Wyatt is not gonna be happy," Dana muttered.

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