Chapter 5 - She's Back

Start from the beginning

"Did someone kiss me? Please tell me no one kissed me." Oswin laughed, and he jerked his head to face her.

"Well, you didn't get one from me, sunshine." He blinked up at her, his brain struggling to process that she was there, alive, and laughing.

"Oswin?" She chuckled again, patting his arm.

"Welcome back tot he land of the living, Padfoot." He grinned at her, and took the hand she offered to pull him up, dragging her into a tight hug. Just as they pulled apart, another voice came from behind Sirius.

"Sirius?" Sirius turned, still grinning, and spoke to the other man.

"Hello, Remus, fancy meeting you here!" Remus laughed, pulling his friend into a hug. When they pulled back, he spoke again.

"How?" The other grinned, anticipating his friend's reaction.

"See for yourself." Sirius stepped out of the way, going to help Kingsley, and Remus could only stare at the smiling woman in front of him.

"Oswin?" He could barely breathe. "Is that really you?" She grinned, nodding as her eyes watered.

"I'm real, Remus. I promise." She laughed happily as her husband pulled her into a loving and long-awaited embrace.

"We thought you were dead!" He said, pulling back to look at his wife. Oswin's crooked grin appeared again, and a huge weight seemed to lift from his shoulders as he looked at her.

"Takes more than a little kidnapping to keep me down, love." The couple laughed, ignoring the battle around them for a moment and, for the first time in twelve long years, Remus Lupin had the chance to take his wife in his arms, and kiss her for all he was worth. And he took full advantage of the chance offered to him. They probably would have stayed that way much longer, had it not been for the tap on Lupin's shoulder, at which they broke apart.

"I hate to break this up, but maybe now is not the best time!" Sirius shouted, fending off a stunning spell. The couple nodded, and Oswin's Auror attitude was back as she pulled out her wand once again.

"Right. Survive now, catch up later. No dying allowed." Remus pulled out his wand as well, and the Order began to form a circle in the center of the room. A flash came from the side of Oswin's vision as the battle began to wind down, the death eaters either being caught or running off, and she turned her head to see Bellatrix Lestrange dueling a young boy who reminded her strongly of Frank and Alice Longbottom. The boy was losing, and Bellatrix was only becoming more gleeful and unhinged. Oswin threw a look at the other two Marauders, who nodded, and moved quickly towards the dueling pair, while Remus and Sirius pulled the others to the side. The Marauders had always been able to communicate without words, but it became easier when Oswin had agreed to link their minds more closely. Even now, Laelynn's strength, though drawn from a distance, was helping with the lack of proper sleep.

No way is nayone else dying today! Especially you, young lady!

Oswin chuckled quietly as she ran. Laelynn had been her only comfort through the years, only unable to find her because of the vast number of cloaking spells that had been placed around her.

Don't worry, Laelynn. With the two of us properly connected again, they don't stand a chance today.

Laelynn had no time to respond, as Bellatrix shot the killing curse at the boy. Acting quickly, as the child raised his wand in defense, Oswin combined her power with Laelynn's, and they shot a protective shield in front of the boy, blocking the curse as their magic mingled with his. Confused, the other woman began to examine her wand, and Oswin stood between the two, facing Bellatrix.

Harry Potter's Durmstrang Aunt - Sequel to  James Potter's Durmstrang TwinWhere stories live. Discover now