The emerald Pensive

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Albus Severus Potter fidgets as he slowly makes his way to the stool. He knew his parents wouldn't mind if he wasn't in sorted into Gryffindor and James would be his brother regardless but still…

…Even with his Father's words he could tell getting into the house of emerald snakes was social suicide and he had yet to be here an hour. Glancing over at the table once proudly apart of the four house system in Hogwarts shows only a handful of upper-years and one first-year, Scorpius Molfoy, sitting there when his parents' stories claimed it to be just as full as the other overly packed houses.

The hat drops on his head, blocking out the expectant eyes that fill the hall, and a voice fills his mind making him startle slightly. Another Potter Hmm… I should probably ask you before I waste my time and more importantly it seems now a days yours, do you have to be in Gryffindor or may I actually do my job? It asks in an unhappy exasperated voice. Not really knowing why a hat that was made to sort them was asking him if he wanted to sort himself told the hat to go ahead. It hums happily and goes silent for a moment before, You have the same thirst to prove yourself that your father did. More importantly you're far stronger, Not magically oh no, not magically …. Though the potential… Well Mr. Potter I believe you will find all that you truly need in…


For one Albus Severus Potter life as he had known it died in that moment. To all who knew him he died at that moment. Hung by the same emerald tie that had killed all who entered Slytherin house since the final battle against Voldemort had been won.

Not that anyone would truly come out and say that. No, It was much better to pretend. After all…

… It doesn't have to be fixed if no one speaks up about it being broken…

October 3rd, 2017

I decided to keep a journal about my time at Hogwarts. Especially since it seems no letters will be left behind to show I ever existed. It's been a month since I was sorted into Slytherin and my parents haven't even sent me a reply to my letter let alone a care package like my brother and cousins received today. I am the only one without enough mail to burry myself in. James says it's because our family doesn't have room for evil snakes.

Speaking of "Evil Snakes", Scorpius and I are the only two in our year. With us there are a total of twelve student Slytherins in Hogwarts. Scorp and I are the first years, second is Fae Davis and Rorek Moon, Moly Longbottom is our third year much to her father Deputy Headmaster Neville Longbottom's embarrassment, Elizabetha Lestrange is the fourth year Junior Dark Lord, Briar Nott is the fifth year connected at the hip to the library (If he wasn't Slytherin the Librarian Madam Pince would be his happy best friend. We have no clue why he is in Slytherin wather then Ravenclaw, maybe the hat is getting old and senile?),Parsley Parkinson is the Slytherin house's sixth year ice princess, and the Greengrass twins Julian and Abigail are our seventh years. Professor Blaize Zambini is our head of house and teaches potions. There is a frame for my second namesake Severus Snape in his office, though I have yet to see him in it since his main frame is in Headmistress McGonagall's office.

On a slight tangent I have taken up being called by the name Aspus Slytherin by the rest of my house. Apparently Aspus sounds like Albus and no Potter would be caught dead sorted into the house of emerald. I don't mind, I like the name better than my actual one since I am the only one who has been called that. No dead guys can lay claim to having it before me. And obviously my family no longer wants me.

However, as much as James and the other kids jinx and hex me, as many letters and care packages my parents pretend to forget to send to me, as biased as the teachers are against me, I have a family who loves me. It consists of one father, four older brothers, and five older sisters.

I am a member of the Slytherin family…

….If only my heart could agree with my mind.

Albus Severus Potter

Aspus Slytherin

First year of Hogwarts

Hello everyone!

This story, as said in the summery, is VERY AU. I don't actually think Harry and Co would put ANY of their children through what has/is going to happen in this story. It was simply something I ended up writing while trying to figure out a way over my writer's block for my story Wrong Again. I don't know if I should officially start the story beginning of first year and go all the way through, start first year but only write the small changes, or start later in the series like fourth or fifth year when everything actually starts to become pieced together and it isn't an almost word for word from the book fic. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions I'll be happy to hear them and yes I will be continuing both stories… when I figure this out… Bye for now!

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