When John's cuffs were unlocked he legged it up the stairs and ran full pelt straight into Alex, slamming their bodies together and wrapping his arms around him tightly, Alex yelping and chuckling at the impact. John peppered gentle kisses over Alex's face while he stumbled back in a helpless fit of laughter.
"Sto-HAHA- stop stop!" Alex giggled, unwrapping one arm from John to push his hand into his cheek, shoving his face away. John released him with a chuckle but not for long as he grabbed Alex again, this time hooking his hands under Alex's thighs and lifting him up. Hercules walked in and muttered something inaudible to Lafayette which made him throw his head back in laughter. John ignored them, carrying Alex to the bunk bed on the left and dropping him on the mattress, lowering himself to lay beside him.

"How long do you think we're gonna be stuck here?" Hercules cut in on their reunion, glancing around the small cell in disgust.
"I'm praying a week at the least, I mean, only cell block H was effected by the explosion so technically there should still be places for the prisoners to sleep," Alex answered as he snuggled into John's side, resting his head on his chest so his head rose and fell with every one of John's breaths.
"I heard they are improving the security, and the staff needs some work too," Lafayette muttered flicking his wrist in dismissal at the board's last choice of governor, his accent thick.

"Well for now, let's just enjoy the fact that Levi is dead," John paused to allow a few cheers and hollers before he turned to Alex, lowering his voice. "And I get to sleep next to you for a few nights without having to sneak around," he grinned. Alex pumped his fist in the air triumphantly, causing John to throw his head back in laughter and hug Alex tighter.

Lafayette and Hercules shared a glance before laughing at each other for obviously thinking the same thing. They left the cell and walked out to examine who had chosen what cells while Alex and John stayed in bed, holding each other and finally having some time to relax after the hectic last few nights. They didn't need to say anything, each other's company was enough. 7 minutes of drifting in and out of consciousness passed before John spoke up.
"Hey Lex, do you know roughly what the time is?" He asked just above a whisper. No response. "Ale-" he froze when he finally registered that Alex was sound asleep against him. John watched Alex in awe at how cute he was. Then he flipped him off the bed.

Alex yelped as he was thrown out of bed, grasping at the bedsheets and instead grabbing John, pulling him down with him. Both of them fell off the mattress and slammed into the floor. Alex groaned while John laughed uncontrollably.
"What the fuck was that for?" Alex yelled, shoving John into the bed.
"I asked you a question," John pouted, tilting his head and holding back a smile.
"I was asleep." Alex deadpanned.
"I wanted an answer." John smirked.
"So you threw me out of bed? What was the stupid question" Alex groaned, standing up from his spot on the floor.

"Do you know what the time is?" John shrugged, standing up as well.
"You threw me out of bed for that? Asshole I was comfy!" Alex yelled, tackling John back into the bed. John laughed when Alex pounced on him, the whole drama gradually turning into a tickle fight, with Alex winning. John laughed uncontrollably until suddenly he hissed in pain and sucked in a sharp breath. Alex immediately pulled away, watching him with concerned eyes.

"Shit sorry, are you okay? That was too rough sorry I forgot you were, broken," Alex muttered, helping John sit up.
"No it's not your fault, don't worry about it," John smiled gently, breaking away from Alex to lift his shirt and quickly check his injury. A large bandage was plastered over the right side of his ribcage, splotchy purple and blue bruises crawling out from underneath it. Alex cringed and couldn't bear to look any longer, reaching forward and pulling John's shirt back down gently. He pulled John forward and wrapped his arms around him protectively.
"It's all over," he hummed into John's hair, rubbing his back soothingly. John was hesitant but leaned into Alex's embrace, letting his eyes flutter closed. Their moment was interrupted by Lafayette popping his head through the open doorway.

"We are allowed out into the yard if you guys want to come and check it out," he beamed excitedly. Alex and John broke away and shared a glance, John shrugging a little and Alex tilting his head to convey 'I don't mind'.
"Yeah we'll come," John smiled. Lafayette's grin grew and he popped his head back out, making his way along the balcony and down to the bottom of the stairs where Hercules was waiting. John and Alex climbed out of bed and walked down to where the others stood hand in hand. They walked out a different set of double doors to the ones they entered through, leading out into a large outdoor area.

Majority of it was grassed, with a few metal benches scattered here and there. A basketball court was set up at the back where inmates were already engrossed in a heated game and there was various workout equipment set up in the corner that was being examined by a few other inmates who had just begun to trickle in. The boys walked deeper into the yard, deciding to claim a metal table that was out in the sun. John and Alex sat together on one side with Hercules on the other, Lafayette actually sitting up on the table with his feet on the bench, because he claimed sitting normally was mainstream.

Hercules, Lafayette and Alex engaged in a conversation about the workout gear, laughing at a few inmates who struggled at the barbells, but John's attention was focused across the yard, beyond the fence, into the women's sector. His eyes were glued on a shorter woman in a tight fitting white tank top and blue track pants with floral tattoos spiralling up her shoulder. She sat like Lafayette, up on a table, with a lollipop dangling from her fingers and her thick hair held in a high ponytail. John squinted at her, confusion swept across his face, until she turned around to face the boys. His stomach dropped to his toes and his breath hitched in his throat.


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