The New Seeker

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James was nervous. This was his first proper match. He had been practicing for weeks, his older cousin Dominique was on the team with him and had helped him more than she would ever realise. As they walked out onto the pitch, James thought he was going to throw up, but one cheeky grin from his cousin and he was okay.

        "Right then," said Madam Hooch, the Quidditch referee, "Captains shake hands." Dominique stepped forward to shake hands with the Ravenclaw captain, Bradley Corner. "Ready? Three, two, one." She blew her whistle, and threw the quaffle into the air, as the fourteen players flew upwards.

        "Okay," James thought to himself. "Find the snitch." He just managed to duck out of the way as a bludger zoomed past his head.

        "Watch out, Potter, You need to be careful," called one of his teammates, worried about the first time seeker.

        "I'm ok, don't worry, just concentrate on the quaffle," he called back, zooming off to try and find the little golden ball, worth 150 points. By the time he saw it again, the score was 90 - 70, in favour of Ravenclaw. For a second, he wasn't sure if it was the snitch, as the winter sun was glinting off of someone's camera in the crowd, but he quickly realised it was the prize, and zoomed towards it. Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw seeker saw the snitch at the same time too, and the pair were head to head. It was tense, at one point it looked as though they were going to crash head to head, but at the last second, James pulled up and grabbed the snitch out of the air, millimetres from the Ravenclaw seeker's nose. The crowd went wild; Griffindor had won 220 - 90!

The Gryffindor common room was a very noise place that evening. Eugine and Albus were sat with James, as he gloated, and rightly so, over his triumphant win. James and his cousins Louis and Fred had snuck down to the kitchens to get food from the house-elves, just like Fred and George Weasley had done so in their time at Hogwarts. There were bottles of butterbeer, Bertie Botts beans, chocolate frogs, eclairs, cream cakes, pumpkin pasties, chicken legs and cauldron cakes everywhere. The best of the lot though, had to be the canary creams, which were invented and sold by George Weasley, of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes,  helped to be developed by his twin brother, Fred, in their sixth year. People were bursting into feathers all over the common room, including Dora, although after the 5th time of doing so, she was starting to get a little annoyed.

        "That was the best game of quidditch I've ever seen," smiled Orla.

        "That was the ONLY game of quidditch you've ever sen," laughed Dora. Orla went red.

        "James was brilliant," said Millie, "I've seen my dad play loads of times, the way James caught the snitch today, dad would have been proud!"

        "Ok, I'm beat," yawned Dora, "I'm off to bed, I'll see you all tomorrow."

        "I'll join you," yawned Rose. "Come on. Night guys." They made their way through the excited crowd, and trudged upstairs. "Oh yah, I wanted to ask you," smiled Rose, as she crawled into her four poster bed. "Who was the blonde kid you were talking to the other day?"

        "He said his name was Lorcan. Lorcan Lovegood," Dora smiled. She also started blushing slightly. "And yes, he is pretty cute. Speaking of blondes, did I see you watching Scorpius Malfoy?"

        "No, of course not," said Rose, a little too quickly.

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