I'm Tired

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Finally got to sleep at 4:30-5:00 ish

Slept in till about 11

Still tired

I have mixed feelings about going to Michigan for two weeks...

I wanna visit my grandmother, but my mom is talking about how she's gonna make me do all these fun things that really don't sound all that fun to me

Bright side is I think I'm gonna learn how to ride a horse

But theres also a bunch of spiders there ;-;

Plus, I'm gonna be away from my kittens for 2 weeks... that'll probably kill me before the spiders do

Getting up early tomorrow to drive for 6 hours, then were getting on a plane, flying, and more driving

I've downloaded Blame! on Netflix, so I'll watch that, as well as rewatch Voltron (which I've also downloaded)

Hopefully I can still talk to you all

Anywho, enoughbme being sad for today... I'm gonna go work on a happier chapter


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