Someone Help Me

17 6 15

So, I'm now grounded worse than before. I cant do anything fun. No coloring, no phone, no headphones, nothing. 

At the moment I'm supposed to be working on an essay I need to write, but I'm just so out of it that it sounds awful. Normally my paragraphs have at least 5-7 sentences. 

These have 2-3

But, it's either this, or cleaning my room, and my room is... not the easiest to clean...

I also wanted to inform you guys that I will be on later tonight using my tablet, so don't worry to much.

I do have something colored, but seeing as I don't have a phone, it might take a little while to get a picture.


Tacocat Spelled Backwards Is TacocatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang