Little Known Facts About Rose

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I'm surprised you guys actually wanted me to write this...

So, as I said earlier, you guys don't know much about me, and apparently you guys actually want me to write about myself?

I know I don't write about my personal 'problems' often, but I didn't expect you all to actually want to know more

Guess I'll start then...

1) I live in Alaska. I know this is something a few of you guys know, but it's not something I talk about often. It's currently spring/summer and it stays light out a well past 12.

2) I absolutely despise chicken. I don't like eating it. It just tasted terrible to me. The texture is weird, the flavor is weird. I just don't like it, alright?

3) I get headaches from reading capitalized comments/texts. I don't know why, but I do.

4) I don't talk about myself often. If you chat with me on kik, you'd understand more than on here. It's something I do automatically, even when others tell me it's okay to talk to them. This also loops into my 'I can't express what I'm actually feelings sometimes' and 'I don't tell people my thoughts whenever something bad happens in my life' thing. I have trouble being myself, basically. It might not seem like it here on Wattpad, but that's because I carry this experience in my real life over to this place. I don't want to burden you all with my problems

5) My favorite numbers are 5, 7, and 9 (yup, after that really long paragraph, you get 8 'words')

6) I don't really believe I'll amount to much (aka being a pessimist about my future). Honestly, it's a huge fear of mine that I'll die and be forgotten by the world.

There's more, but I really want to update another chapter, but this has got to come first cause I said it would.

Sorry if I seem I'm making my life dark. I know it's not the worst one out there. These are just what I said they be, kinda sad possibly, pessimistic at times, and 100% me


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