Back on the island

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(In this the island didn't blow up)
Jo's pov:
Great I'm back on this stupid show. I wonder why I keep trying. With Brick not here I'm 100% in control I mean he wasn't in All Stars so why would he be here? I wish he was in all stars.... Not cause I like him... Which I don't its just I came up with so many nicknames for Brick house. But I'm Jo..... Never liked anybody..... Will never like anybody especially Sir leaks a lot. Well and Jockstrap. But I'm the leader... But I can't believe I'm back on the island though. I haven't even seen the rest of the team so I wonder what its gonna be like...
Bricks pov:
I hope Jo isn't here. I don't wanna hear her make fun of me again. Zoey tells me its cause she likes me. Hahaha!!! Jo.... Likes someone!! Best joke ever! But maybe she likes lightning..... In All Stars I saw them and it sparked jealousy in me. Why? Well cause I wasn't there! Not cause I like Jo... Which I DONT!!.... I think. "Brick" Chris called my name. I stepped off. And saw the voilet eyes of someone I knew. The same sweatshirt and dirty blonde hair that I could see from a mile. *gulp* Jo...
Jo's pov:
"Brick" Chris called. I turned around to see a pair of dark brown eyes (I think they are... If not then they are now!!) Green shirt and dog tags. I was in shock. "B-b-brick house???" I stuttered. And there it was. Back on the island with .... *gulp* Gi I Joke...
Confessional (brick)
Jo!!! Jo!!!! Really!!! Why does she have to be here! I have to ask her about lightning... *gasp* what if they are dating!!!!
(Chris pov)
Who will live and what is going on between brick and Jo?? I dunno. Maybe we will find out when we come back.
That's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed it... Tootles

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