Chapter 5 A Date with Destiny

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I ran to my house as quickly as possible. I got to the door and took a deep breath and walked inside. I ran to her room and picked an outfit.

"Should I go with blue or Purple?I'll go with Purple...It compliments my eyes" I said to myself outloud.

I went into bathroom and got ready...

10 minutes later...

I came out of the bathroom hoping I looked all right. As she went to her bedroom to get her stuff, Natsu was sitting right on the bed and so was Happy.

"Thats a nice dress there it reminds me of Lucy's dress from a previous mission"

"Yeah! Except that Natsu doesn't love you in the way that he loves Lucy" Happy said.

I shrugged and realized that I can't always be the best. "Thanks you guys it means a lot to me..uhh...WAIT DON'T SIDE TRACK ME!!! WHY ARE YOU GUYS IN MY ROOM IN FACT MYYY HOUSE?!?

Happy and Natsu looked down at the bed and sighed. I looked at them with angry eyes and waited for an answer but as I waited I stopped and sighed.

"ALRIGHT FINE! What's the matter with you two? Shouldn't you be at the guild scratching Gray's eyes out?"

Natsu looked at Happy and smiled, "well we wanted to know what you were up to, so whatcha doin?"

I scowled then smiled, "I have a date."

"Ooo, with who, Aaron" Happy said.
I immediately blushed, "no idiot, Aaron and I are friends. I have a date with my old boyfriend from my home town, I live far from here so he comes to visit once in awhile. His name is Laurence."

"OoOo Laurence, just rolls off the tongue" Natsu teased.
I looked at my watch, "sorry guys but I gotta go, also GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." I ran out of my house hoping they would leave eventually, I ran out to the place I was meeting him. It was a outdoor eatery, it was nicer than most and it was dinner time by now. The sun was already setting.

I saw him outside the restaurant waiting for me, I stopped running and fixed my dress and walked up to him. I smiled and did a little hand wave, "Hi Laurence, long time no see."

"Yeah, I really missed you ya know, I wish we could see each other more but I have a surprise for you. But I'll tell you later okay."

"Can't you tell me?"


"You big meany" I pouted. He laughed and we walked in and sat down, it was a quiet not commonly known restaurant so it was pretty quiet. I looked around, no one I knew was here, but I saw a suspicious looking person. I hoped they wouldn't be any trouble. "So how have you been."

"Pretty good, my little sister has been dying to see you, she'll be mad if she found out I was here. OH you remember that creepy stalker, that girl that liked me. She's stalking me again."

"Are you serious, have you told anybody, is she here now?"

"No. How have you been doing, living by yourself."

"Oh, I've been good, it's hard earning enough money but I makin life work. I love being in a guild, it's like having another family, I love everyone there."
"Who have you been going with quests on?"
"Oh well I have a group of friends, the names are, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, and Aaron."

"Oh cool, just out of curiosity what's Aaron's last name?"

"It's Lichen."

"Don't hang around that guy, I knew him when I was younger, he's dangerous, stay away from him."

"Umm okay?" I was puzzled, how did Aaron know Laurence and what was Laurence talking about? Maybe it had something to do with the son of the dark one.

Laurence relaxed a bit, "okay, so anyways thats cool."

The order came up and we both ordered steak, a while later we heard a noise. It was a bunch of pounding and groaning, it sounded like it was coming from outside so we didn't bother it. However the noise continued for quite some time. "Hey Laurence I'm gonna go check out what that is." Before he could protest I got up and walked outside. I walked to the side wall where the noise was coming from, it was really dark out so everything was like a blur.

I walked around the corner next to the restaurant there was an alleyway. What I saw was shocking, I saw Aaron leaning against the wall gripping his side, I could barely make it out but I saw blood dripping through his shirt. I saw a bunch of unconscious guys on the ground, Aaron was sliding down the wall till he got into a sitting position he sat against the wall breathing slowly. It took a while to comprehend what I was seeing. Aarons bandanna was coming off, I knew there was more to why he wears the bandana so I went up to him and tied it back on tight. He looked up to me and I finally found the words, "what happened?"

He was silent for a while then he finally spoke, "I was attacked, I wasn't expecting it so they got the better of me."

"Uh doesn't seem like it" I pointed to all the guys lying unconscious. He stood up and I saw it more clearly, a stab wound in his side. He stood up straight and then he winced and leaned onto the wall again. "Umm okay" I walked up to him and looked at him, he didn't seem hurt anywhere else. I looked to his face, he had a small cut above his mouth, I reached my hand up and wiped the blood off. Then I heard a loud sound of wind and I fell forward. I opened my eyes my lips were on Aarons, I heard a gasp behind me. It was Laurence. I stepped away from Aaron, "It isn't what it looks like."

"Really Aphmau because it looked like you just kissed him."

"I was just pushed."

"By what?"

"Umm I don't really know it was behind me I didn't see."

"Good bye Aphmau" Laurence walked away and I ran after him.

"Laurence!" He looked behind him to me then walked away. I heard a voice whisper, "I finally got her away from Laurence." I stood there, it started raining lightly but soon I was drenched. I stood there shivering getting colder by the minute, the only thing keeping me warm were the tears crawling down my face. I sneezed a bunch and I felt my forehead, great I got sick. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Aaron. Surprisingly he wasn't mad at what just happened.

"Are you okay?"

I wiped the tears from my face, "yeah, but forget about me you were stabbed, are you okay?"

"I'll be okay really you should probably get home."

I checked my purse for my wallet but it wasn't there, "Ugh" I groaned. My house was too far from here to walk in the rain, I'd only get sicker and I couldn't take the train.

"Do you need a place to stay?"

"Um yeah I guess, I'd be fine walking home though really."

"No you'd only get sicker, come on." He grabbed his jacket and held it over my head and we walked to his house.

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