Part 2

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Elsword is lying on his bed at night. He couldn't sleep, he wants to, but he can't. Once he falls asleep, he gets dreams of Aisha. Some are just nice romantic moments like kissing, hugging... marriage. But there was time where he would have... those kinds of dreams. He blushes so much every-time he has one. He decide to go out and talk a walk.

As he leaves his room, he notice that Aisha's room still have light inside.

'I wonder what she's doing right now?' Elsword thought.

Meanwhile, in Aisha's room, Rena and Eve came in to talk with her about her situation.

"So, to summarize, you're in love with Elsword, who's in love with someone else, correct?"

Aisha nodded, "Yeah... Earlier today, he asked me on how to confess to her."

"And what did you say to him?" Rena ask.

"...I told him to tell her, even if she rejects him, though how could she? I mean sure he's an idiot, dense and such a big mess when eating. But he's cute, strong and handsome. He can cook, protects you even though you won't admit the fact that you need him in your life. And they way he smiles," Aisha sigh dreamily. "That smile that makes your heart melt, always wishing he smiles only for you."

"Uh, Aisha-"

"And you just wanna put your hands on his messy red hair, and make focus only toward you-"


"And kiss him and cuddle with him forever."


Aisha snap out of her dream and blushed.


Rena giggle, "You really love him don't you?"

"Yeah... I just wish... he loves me back." Aisha started tearing up. Eve was analyzing and Rena is trying to comfort her.

"It's ok Aisha... I know it hurts, but love is an unexpected emotion."

Suddenly, the door to Aisha's room open, and up front was Elesis in her pajamas.

"Why are you guys still up? It's late right," She said with a big yawn after.

"Aisha was told by Elsword that he loves someone and Aisha is depress because she's in love with him," Eve stated.

"Oh...Ok..." Then Elesis left, closing the door.

"Uh...Ok?" Rena said. "Anyways, I think you should-"


"WHAT?!" Elesis barged in yelling that, surprising everyone. "You're in love with Elsword?!"





"KEEP IT DOWN! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Add also barged in and yelled at them to keep it down. Until...


Add got slapped by Eve and was thrown straight into the wall.

"Don't come into a woman's room, or you'll die. Undertand?"

Add was knocked out unconscious.

"I think we should all head to rest. Eve, go help Add and take him to his bed. Goodnight eveyone," Rena implied.

Everyone went to bed, while Aisha lay down and look toward her ceiling.


Aisha sighed in content.

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