Faking a smile is the only way

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You pull the trigger. You cut. You stab. You blame. You think. You hang. You burn. You jump. You gouge. You grope. You rape. You abuse. What's the point in living if there's nothing to do? Life is a shortcut and a shortcut to hell, we take it so we don't hurt people. Suicide isn't bad, it help, it forgives, and it save pain... it save's blood, it saves age. We need less people in the population anyway. It's temporary and it's permanent. It's beautiful, and bloody.

You drown, you blame, you cheat, you cut, you break, you crack, you go insane. No one can feel how it feels, no one has the same feelings and no one has the same depression. We're all unique means we're all normal. Why care if someone jumps of kicks or bullies when it could all be ended with a bullet?

I've let you down, i hide, i fake, i cheat, i cut, i stab, i lie, i abuse, i blame. I hurt, i smile, i fake, I'm hurt, I'm a bitch, I'm ugly, i try. There no point when you only hurt people, i try and get replaced. When you figure this out, you're already too late. This kinda rhymes it it's time for the date, the date of sadness and that date...

Being Today.

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