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Pic of Chance on the side >>>

Hours later, we arrive at a side of town I'd only seen in the movies. After we pass through several gates, we arrive at a beautiful estate. The private road rolls over green hills big enough to build a golf course on.

We pull up to the front of an opulent mansion, all the lights on and the main doors already open. "Did one of you leave the doors unlocked again?" Ash asks with a frown.

"Must've been Phaedra. With how tight she holds onto her money, you'd think she'd be more careful." Hideyoshi grinned.

"Is she your boss?" I ask, only to receive chuckles.

"No." Chance leans dangerously close to me and unlocks the back door. "No one is the boss of me." For the first time since I've seen him, he gives a smile, but only a small one that's devoid of any emotion. Wanting to get away from him and his close proximity, I exit the car as quick as I can. Jazlyn leaps out too, weaving around the front lawn with her tail whipping so hard it might fall off. "Keep that huge pit bull away from me." Chance growls, glaring at Jazlyn. I ball my hands in a fist, restraining myself from wanting to hit him.

"Jazlyn is a cane corso." My tone was deadly, but he didn't seem fazed by it.

"I'm on it, don't worry." Ash smiles and gives a sharp whistle and, to my shock, Jazlyn lopes right over to him and sits at his side. I want to protest, but...she doesn't seem to be in danger. Taking in my surroundings, I become acutely aware of just how isolated and vast this place is. 'She's probably more safe than I am...'

The mansion looms over me like an intimidating figure, and it gets even bigger as Hideyoshi leads me through the front doors and into one of the inner rooms. It looks like a private casino and bar, fully stocked, and completely empty. "Oh, nice! Phaedra finally restocked the bar." Hideyoshi smirks with a raised brow. The men spread out, relaxing and letting some of the tension in their shoulders go. Everyone but Chance. I wonder if they all live here...

"So what now?" Hideyoshi asks, the question hanging in the air for someone to answer.

"Wait for the others. Then we can figure out how to deal with him." Chance explains. I stay quiet, my frown deepening and my lips forming a thin line.

"Chance! Home already?" A new melodic voice draws my attention to one of the doorways. A woman enters the room, her suit just as sharp and perfectly tailored as Chance's.

"You left the front door wide open again, Phaedra." Ash crosses his arms over his chest, he almost reminds me of a normal parent scolding their child. 'Not that you would know anything about that...' The woman rolls her eyes.

"Who cares?" She retorts, her tone nonchalant.

"I care." Ash counters, his brows furrowing into a scowl.

"Okay. Let's assume some intrepid thief makes it all the way here...without knowing who this area belongs to." Her lips pout, for just a moment, before a sliver of ice works its way into her voice. "And then this talented, lucky individual walks right into our den..." She opens her jacket briefly enough for my eyes to glimpse what looks like a shoulder holster. Suddenly Phaedra catches my eye, the warmth returning to her voice. "Oh don't worry, darling, looking is free." Blushing and embarrassed, I avert my gaze. 'Well...she certainly has a high opinion of herself.'

"Phaedra, paws off this one." Chance orders, and I honestly don't mind this time.

"You always say that." Phaedra whines, pouting.

"I mean it this time." Chance glares at her, almost like he was telling her not to test him.

"You keep talking, but all I hear is a challenge." She smirks at me, and my eyes widen. They're standing there fighting over me like I'm not even here. Phaedra stands a little closer, and I tense when her palm rests reassuringly on my shoulder. "Don't look so scared, dear. I'm just teasing. My name's Phaedra. But if we're going to be friends, you can call me Phae for short. And you are?" Her smile makes me relax a little, but I'm taken aback by her kindness. I'm tempted to lie, but decide not to.

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