Chapter 12: The Guardian of Flower Road

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"Oh, did you two just see that? I'm so sorry for that. Five bucks for both comics."

Nate laid five bucks on the counter and asked,

"Hey, Sam? What was that about?"

"Oh, that jerk was trying to convince me to sell the store again. They want to build a mall or something here. Stupid jerk doesn't realize that there's a reason no one on Flower Road is selling their stores to them. We're not making the guardian of Flower Road homeless for the sake of some kiosks that sell snacks that anyone can buy at any Everymart or grocery store."

The group was now curious. They hadn't heard of a guardian protecting Flower Road before.

"You know, your science teacher was just here discussing the stituation we're going through right now. He knows more about the guardian than I do."

"Well, thank you for the information, Sam. We'll see you later."

They took their comics, got their bikes and Whisper poked them.

"According to my Yo-kai Pad, he Shooping Street Narrows are just a few feet away. We can go fight Flumpy and get it over with."


The group walked over to the alley known as the Shopping Street Narrows and walked in. They saw a Yo-kai that looked like Buhu, but was green and yellow with a bit of orange.

"This Yo-kai can make you feel very unfashionable and awkward. Let's just ask for a battle."


"My defeat was so awkward! Don't look at me!"

The entire battle felt awkward. We just wanted to get it done and over with.

Flumpy disappeared and they picked up what they could find.

"I'm hungry. Can we pick up some food?"

"Yeah, there's plenty of places to eat here, so it's just a matter of picking what we want."

They walked out of the Shopping Street Narrows and walked by a few places and Whisper pointed towards Sun Pavillion.

"What does that place serve?"

"Chinese food, if I'm remembering right."

Whisper flew up to look at the menu in the window and glanced at it.

"Oh, they have Liver and Chives!"

"Wait here, Whisper."

Nate walked into Sun Pavillion for a few minutes and walked out with some Chinese food in a bag.

"There's Yo-kai that like Chinese food, right?"

Whisper nodded and said,

"Yeah, there is. It's not my favorite food, but I do enjoy eating it."

Nate handed Whisper a Liver and Chives and Whisper had to wipe away the drool coming from his mouth before taking it out of Nate's hand.

"Whisper...your drool is green?"

Whisper had stuffed the Liver and Chives into his mouth and had to chew and swallow it before he answered,

"Don't question it, Nate. But thanks for getting this for me."

Nate smiled and patted Whisper's head as he put the rest of the Chinese food into the bottomless bag.

"Might as well pick up some other food while we're here."

Before they went to the other shops, they saw their science teacher, Mr. Barton.

"Hi, Mr. Barton!"

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang