Questions 11-15

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Hello again. I apologize for the wait, but I have been quite busy.

Sent by Brijasmine

Question 11: Do you think Gabriel could still be alive?

Gabriel... My brother... I don't know if he's alive, but he lived as the trickster for a very long time. I think that maybe he wanted to slip under the radar for awhile... Again. I certainly believe that it's possible.

Question 12: Why do you love wearing your trenchcoat?

I just do... I always have. 

Sent by 6Dead6Angel6

Question 13: How exactly do you feel about Crowley?

Mmm it just depends on what he is doing, whether he is with us or against us. 

Sent by SuperWhoLocked_girl

Question 14: Cass, I am a hunter, will you go out with me? I'll give you the Winchesters!

I, uhm, uh... Was that a flirtation?


Question 15: *Tilts head*

Is there a problem?

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