Chapter 03

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As soon as Jake got inside their house, his little brother, Cody, ran towards him.

"Hey, how's little buddy doing?" he asked his little brother as he messed up Cody's hair.

"I'm fine. You did not come home last night. Where were you?" Cody asked with his worry childish tone.

"I was studying to pass," he answered him, honestly. He never lies to Cody.

"Studying? You call your late night parties and riot studying? What a great liar," his father, Victor had said as he descends the staircase

"Yeah. Atleast I'm not like you who replaced mom eh?" Jake fired at his father.

"Your mother died. I love her and always will," Victor said.

"No, you don't love her. If it weren't for you she'd still be alive by now. You cheated on her with her bestfriend. Now what? You gonna get married to a traitor? Where's love now?" Jake asked his dad. He's still holding grudges at Victor for her mother's death.

His dad didn't know what to say. Jake would never listen to him, no matter what he'll say. He always has hatred towards his father the minute he knew about what he did.

"Son lis-"

"You're the worst father," Jake growled cutting Victor. He then walk pass him and went to his room.

"Dad, what were you two yelling about?" Cody asked.

Victor leaned down to his son and said, "It's nothing, don't mind it. Why don't you tell your brother to eat breakfast hmm?"

Cody grinned widely and ran off to his brother's room.

Victor couldn't even remember when was the last time he ate with him. He never smiles at him.

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