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minor smut ik im a freak dONT QUOTE ME; nothing serious 


Damon Salvatore shut the shower curtains as the warm water flowed in cascades down his body. Warm showers were his favorite, and he was thankful to indulge in them after so much time enduring whatever temperature the Confederacy provided. After several moments of simply enjoying the water, he took his cloth and lathered it with soap.

Just as he was about to begin washing himself, he heard a door open. It sounded close – outside of the shower close – which puzzled him. Surely whoever it was had heard the water running, and even if they hadn't, if they were in the room they'd have to know now.

So why weren't they leaving?

Unless they didn't care.

"Who's there?" Damon called out to the unknown person. Before anyone could respond, the curtain was pulled back to reveal a dark haired female he'd met only a few months ago.

Katherine Pierce.

At first he stared, wondering why she was here, then he noticed her attire – nothing – and remembered that he too was wearing nothing. His cheeks flushed and he backed into the corner, attempting to cover himself. In the short time that he'd known this woman she'd proven herself to be very experienced in the department of all things sexual. She'd say different things and give him – and Stefan – looks that suggested things unsaid. It both intrigued and scared him. Although he'd had his share of more than suggestive encounters, he'd never had someone be so blatant about it.

"What's the matter Damon?" she asked, her voice taking on that sultry tone it did right before she tried something, "Have you never seen a woman naked before?"

Damon cleared his throat. "I cannot recall a time that I have." He said, hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he was. "You shouldn't be in here." He warned. Giuseppe would not be pleased if he discovered her here.

"I just wanted to spend my shower with a certain Salvatore brother. You won't tell will you?" as she said this, she stepped into the shower.

Damon didn't know what he should do. The smart thing would have been to step out, grab a towel, and go to his father, but something held him back.

So he stood in the corner of the shower, wondering what she'd do next.

"I won't." He admitted, knowing his face most likely didn't convey that. He tried focusing on her face, but to no avail.

Her body was glorious, he didn't think he'd ever seen something so flawless.

He was aroused to say the least from her nude form standing in front of him, which she hopefully didn't catch whiff of.

Then again, that wasn't possible: Katherine Pierce noticed everything.

Judging from her knowing look, she heard his pounding heart, detected his tense state. This was confirmed when she smirked and approached him.

"You do not have to hide yourself from me." She said to him. "Considering how sexy you are with clothes on, I'm sure this is a million times better."

He blushed at the compliment as she neared the corner. What was he going to do; Let her shower, that's what he was going to do.

"If you wanted to take a shower, you could have waited or told me and I would have let you go first."

She touched his arm. "That's the thing, I am not here to shower."

❝MEMORY LANE❞ ➼ Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now