Update 2

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So after much thought and a friends help I have decided to make the rewrite of the half demon into a separate book. It doesn't feel right to add the rewrite chapters and confuse people with the plot. Not the ones who already read the book but the ones who are new to  it. This is a heads up for those of you have already read this book and don't like the ending or want to see more.

Before I start I will tell you people some things about the rewrite book

There will be a genderbents most commonly will be Issei
Kiba Yuuto will not be a female in this book as I don't really see a reason for him to be one since I only did it in the Divine Dragon King since my OC name was Yuto and I didn't want anyone to get confused.

Like the Divine King book there will be some crossovers

The story will start during Rias rating game with Riser because I don't wanna bore you people with starting with the beginning of the anime/manga/light novel do i?

Final Fantasy 15 is the main reason that I have been inspired and the OC of this new book will be using powers in that game. I mean it's awesome

The new OC might not be half demon but a full blooded demon or could just be human I will decide later on when I post the new book.

Now for the title of this new book

It is called

The Royal Demon King

The book will be posted shortly after this one hope to see you all there :D

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