chapter 1

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Today johnny and pony are getting back from their honeymoon.

They have been gone for a few months and we all miss them.

When they called they said that they would need a ride home from the air port.

Soda and liza went to the smoky mountains for their honeymoon. They rented a cabin in the woods and are having fun.

Im currently at a he air port waiting for them

'Flight from Honolulu Hawaii is now landing' the intercom lady says.

I stand up and walk to the gate where the plane is now letting off.

I look at every face that passes me.

"Robbin!" a filmier voice shrieks.

I look over and see johnny and ponyboy hand in hand running to me.

Pony has a slight tan and a sunburn over his cheeks. His hair is ungreased and a few shades lighter from the sun. He is wearing a flower crown and is pulling his suitcase behind him and Johnny. 

Johnny is smiling ear to hear. He looks glad to be draged by his arm over to me.

Both of them are wearing bright jean shorts. Ponys is a off pink and johnnys is a mint green. They have on funny shirts.

Pony's says "my husband thinks im crazy"

And Johnny's says "i know my husband is crazy"

I wrap my arms around them as we hug tightly. I am

"Ive missed you soo much" pony says.

"Me too" both Johnny and i say at the same time.

"So how was the honeymoon?" i ask them

"It was wonderful! I thought that they were going to be biased about us being gay. But they all were really accepting and they were so nice to us" pony says.

"Well im glad for you. And we have some news for you two." i say with a smile.

"Whats that!" pony and johnny asks

"I got us an appointment with the OBGYN. Its in three days" i tell them

Their faces light up and they start jumping up and down.

"Does that mean we are going to be parents!" johnny asks.

"Yep, and i hear this guy is the best." i tell them. "But johnny had to go in two days before so they can...uh..collect" i say awkwardly

"Yea...we kinda figured that" pony says blushing

"Ok lets get home before they think I kidnapped yall" I say to them

The car ride was short. As we drove something else came to mind

"I forgot to tell you two but the family is getting bigger" I smile "Tina is two months pregnant with twins. Dally and Twobit are engaged and soda and liza are having their second too" I tell them

"Awee four more kids on the way and  two marriages" pony says "I hope we either get a bigger house or add some new rooms"

"Crap. I forgot that too. Well Darry's boss gave him a deal on a huge house. All Darry has to do is fill out some papers"

"Where is it at" Johnny asks

Well for its size im glad its not in soc territory. Its about six blocks away from  y'alls house" i say.

They smile "um actually... Johnny and i talked...he just found out that when his grandparents died they left him a house. Its still in greaser area but its kinda far away from the house. And well he just turned 18 so he can now move in" pony says

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