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!!! AGIRE UNO !!!

❝ i think it's called a resurrection of a princess ❞

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❝ could it be? aeria alexandra archibald spotted arriving at grand central station earlier this evening. has our beloved princess returned for good after a shimmering summer in monte carlo? it didn't take her all that long to deflower all the eligible men in town, a good month less than it took her to sweep through paris last year. any particular reason for your unexpected and hasty return? i guess we'll find out. welcome back, princess a, your twin and royal court missed you. as did i. bring on the party, your highness. xoxo, gossip girl  ❞


!!! playlist !!!

with a little help from my friends, THE BEATLES

would you mind, PRETTYMUCH

preacher man, THE DRIVER ERA

lost in japan, SHAWN MENDES

say amen (saturday night), PANIC! AT THE DISCO

maybe i'm amazed, PAUL MCCARTNEY

personal, THE VAMPS

helpless, HAMILTON



HER ESCORT ; chuck bassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora