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the chill nipping at noses. leaves crunching underfoot. mouths moving quickly. 

"oh my god. is that really her?" "holy shit" "how much do you bet she'll be awol by next period?" "her royal highness is back"

a lot could be heard from the students of constance and st jude's this morning. the not so subtle whispering and nudging when she stepped through the iron gates, the cameras clicking and flashing as the crowds quickly typed and tipped off gossip girl. aeria's eyes searched for her friends and for solace in a moment when she felt so vulnerable and judged.

no one could believe little miss archibald was back after such a short amount of time. her usual excursions involved her jetting herself overseas for far longer.

"aeria. you're back! you should've told me, i would've made sure you'd stop over for brunch and catch-up" blair's voice carried from the top of the steps, as she made her way down to embrace the newly returned archibald twin.

"couldn't exactly stay in monte carlo when your ball is being held tonight now, could I? plus, i couldn't possibly stay any longer after what happened with ja- i mean, after the shoot was done." smiling brightly, aeria wrapped her arms around her best friend before she could question the little slip up of her words. releasing blair, aeria smoothed her skirt, only to have a tan pair of arms attack her from the back.


the blonde bombshell was one of few reasons aeria bothered coming back after every elaborate trip. the former party girl, the one who constantly had aeria acting as the 'mother' of the group. though, that didn't exactly stop aeria from having a good time herself. just as serena let go, nate and chuck turned up. finally, aeria was surrounded by the very group of people that made her come back to the upper east side every time. the queen, the party beauty, the perv and the golden boy.

nearly engulfed by the people crowding trying to catch a glimpse of the returned archibald, aeria already wanted to escape the place.

"let's go get coffee. skip first period?"

met with nods of agreement, the group walked out of the school grounds looking effortlessly flawless. sweeping their way into chuck's limo, aeria was swamped with questions on monte carlo and who she'd met in her time there.

"best guy?" serena shamelessly asked, knowing aeria probably already had a mental list numbering each bachelor out of 10.

"probably elio de bourno, he's the reason i could barely stand on the catwalk" serena giggled while blair playfully hit aeria's arm. aeria's eyes basically rolled into the back of her head, memories flooding from those days with the 20 year old billionaire bachelor

"may i please remind you that i am here and i do not need to hear about my sister's sex life!" nate's obviously faked disgust was overthrown by his smiling face and the laughter he couldn't hide.

"what do you think is going to happen, nathaniel? she's grown up with me. where do you think she learnt the tricks of the trade?" chuck's smirk joined by his deep voice, encouraged everyone to laugh. he looked over at aeria as she held nate's arm, leaning on his shoulder from the fatigue of the flight.

"truth. cheers to that, chuck" quickly perking up, aeria cheekily threw a wink "so, charles, you think you can handle me as my escort tomorrow night? or am I too unmanageable for the likes of the great chuck bass?" another wink came from the eyes of the archibald daughter and the limo stopped.

"no girl's ever unmanageable for me,"

"and why's that?"

"i'm chuck bass."

"yeah, so what? i'm aeria archibald. and no one can manage me"


HER ESCORT ; chuck bassحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن