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have you heard upper east siders? burlesque is all the rage again, and sometimes, a little raging is exactly what you need. and as always, chuck is aiming to be ahead of the curves... but let's not get ahead of ourselves. ❞


dusty. historic. walls holding past tales of debonair debauchery.

"you want your dad to invest in a strip joint? how midtown." blair's face curled into a sneer as she scoffed at the sight of the dingy burlesque club chuck craved to own.

"a burlesque club. a respectable place where people can be transported to another time. where they can feel free to let loose. no judgement. pure escape. what happens at victrola, stays at victrola." defending his latest idea, chuck was preparing for a meeting with bart. he was hoping to get his father to invest in the timeless art of burlesque.

"i myself think it's a fantastic idea. i think it's absolutely right for chuck. why would you need to pay for girls, booze and burlesque if you own the place yourself?" softly speaking, aeria admired the smokey burgundy niterie that entertained both the rich and the paupers for decades.

pacing, blair turned to chuck - contemplating the idea , "well... it does have franchise potential." she smiled in reluctant pride. "chuck bass. i do believe all your years of underage boozing and womanising have finally paid off. truly, i am proud."

"and you are my toughest critic. well, third toughest." a wink was thrown at aeria, as chuck envisioned his father's reaction to the offer.

"so you think your father will go for this?" aeria was curious to know what the compelling, career-driven bass senior would have to say about chuck's latest idea.

"it is exactly the kind of innovative thinking upon which the bass empire was built. it is the perfect thing. i've been waiting for this." even though the words sounded sure, the smile on his face showed it was as if chuck was trying to convince himself as well.

"shit! is that the time? i've got my ap bio test in five minutes." aeria grabbed her handbag and quickly downed the glass of scotch on the bar next to chuck.

"so?" chuck raised his eyebrow, adjusted his tie and subconsciously swept his hand over the leather folder, holding his precious ideas and research. "we don't need to care about school. we're inheriting empires and drug addictions."

"most of my grade depends on this test. i have to make up for the two months of bio i've missed, all in one test. thank god i studied last night. and yes, blair. getting high and reading the whole textbook counts as studying."

she turned to chuck, and stated "i'm taking your limo, babes" with a straight face. with a 'try to stop me' air about her, she whirled out the door and into the waiting flawless black vehicle outside.

blair looked at chuck in disbelief and amusement, shaking her head slightly. "how does she do that?"

glancing between the limo driving away and blair's doe eyes, chuck questioned, "do what?

"the chuck bass i know, would never let anyone touch let alone steal his limo without permission."

"well. aeria's not just anyone, is she? she's ..." he trailed off the sentence, desperately clawing at a word to describe the bombshell

"aeria" blair finished for him, knowing only her name could describe her. blair swiftly looked down at her adorned wristwatch. "she's actually right. we are so late. are you coming?" blair checked the time again before admiring the club one last time

"got to pitch it to bart." chuck tapped his folder, before he headed blair towards the door. chuck pointed and called after her, "victory party! here, tomorrow night! aeria, you and me"

"i wouldn't miss it." blair's voice carried from the doorway, as she signaled to her car.

"i'll send a car!"

"don't be nervous. he's going to love it!"


!!! author !!!

thanks for being so patient guys, i know i must've really irked some people about unpublishing. but yoooo, the story's back and hopefully better. if not, welp. soz

HER ESCORT ; chuck bassWhere stories live. Discover now