Lovely Twins?!

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This is Kitty speaking, I just started this story and well, I am a little scared that people might not like it. I am making this story for a friend of mine on here. I hope you like it Mizuki_Inuzuka! 

Oh yea and there is a pic of Rose there ^_^


Chapter one: The Meeting.

It was a chilly winter's day, something was different about this day, I felt like something was going to happen. It was off in some sort of way.  

Like normal, I would get ready for school. A tight white button down collar dress shirt with long selves, tight black skinnies with a silver chain hanging from the side, and lastly, some jet black converse with little skulls drawn on the white toe part. I walked to my bathroom, fixing my self up. I left my long pink layered hair down, reaching my mid-back. Then doing my make-up (black eye liner, top and bottom, and mascara, then pink lipstick) I place in my piercings that my mother absolutely hated. (Snake bites on lips. then two piercing on my left eye brow, one on my right. my gauges, then three more after) I have to say, I thought I looked stunning this day, even though I dressed like this normally. I was pretty athletic, even though I look like I would hate sports. I was 5'5" and have Long pink straight hair which was weird 'cause it was naturally pink, I have my mother's eyes, which were a deep hazel color, which looked more like it had a red tint than orange to me. I guess you would say I get everything from my mother, except for my height, I get that from my father. I have defined curves that guys awe over and girls envy. I have to say my favorite part of my body are my legs and breasts, I loved my legs, they were long and toned since I did track and field, and about my breasts? I was a size C40 last time I check. I was pretty much skinny, so I didn't worry about it much. My skin was really pale and fragile looking, everyone always thought I was vampire, which I am......not! I sighed and walked back to my room, grabbing my black and white checkered book bag, I ran down the stairs.  

"I'm leaving now!" I yelled, it was no use though, no one was home in the morning, My mom was at work by 4 A.M, my father slept during the day, my eldest brother probably stood over some chick's house, and my twin sister was sleeping as well, she had night school. (lucky bitch)....but that's a different story.  

I walked out, slamming the door shut as I began to walk to school, I could have easily took my Yamaha FZ16 to school, but I thought it would be too flashy to show up riding that monster. I Mizuki R. Inuzuka, Student Council President (Believe it or not) and 3rd year high school student at Hime n Kanji Academy, say that I didn't expect this day to come, nor did I want it to!

I walked down the snowy side-walk to the school, It was pretty far from my house, so I have to wake up pretty early to start walking. Any who! As I was walking, I manage to spot a small boy crying next to a poll with a sign that was labeled 'Bus stop' across the street. I looked both was before crossing, reaching the boy. I crouched down, facing him and smiled. I may not look it, but I'm pretty nice. "Hey there Little boy. Are you lost or something?" The boy looked up at me, clear boogers hanging from his nose and his eyes red from crying. I took out a small black hanky and handed it to him, with a gentle smile on my face. With it, the boy blew his nose and wiped his tears. "Are you ok now?" I giggled lightly, this boy is so adorable. He nodded lightly, his practically white locks getting in front of his large blue eyes. I stood up, placing a hand on my hip, and glanced around, anger showing up on my face. 'Who would just leave a little boy here?!' I thought to my self before speaking out loud. "Did you lose your mother?" I peeked over at him as he shook his head.  

"N-no.....I lost my big bro-brother...." He spoke in a small whimpy child voice, which just made him all that cute. He rubbed his eyes and I ruffled his bright white locks. "Don't worry, I'll help you find him. Come on." I began to walk, suddenly feel something cold and soft grab my hand, I looked down to see that it was the little boy. I smiled as he began to walk beside me. It was quiet for the 10 minutes we were walking. So I thought I should speak. "Whats your name?"

"Alexander...." He spoke so soft that I could bearly hear him.

"It's nice to meet you Alex, I'm Mizuki, but please, call me Rose!" Every one called me Rose 'cause of my hair and my lip stick I always wore. I smiled at the boy. Soon I realized something, this little boy  was wearing my school's dress code, (White or black dress shirt and Black or red pants) this made me think for a while, but something broke the thinking bubble I was in. Faint yells of the boys name came from behind us. The boy was the first to look back, I looked at him. His face suddenly glowed with happiness as he yelled back.

"Brother?!" His voice cracked slightly as he began to cry again, this time for joy. I looked in the distance. I saw I tall figure of a man appear, He was pretty skinny, but he appeared to have some muscle hidden in the clothes he wore.....wait a sec'.... He had on the school dress uniform to! WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!?!  

As he got closer, I noticed his long flowing almost-white-blonde hair. Once he was close enough, the boy let go of my hand and ran to his (what looked like) older brother. The man picked up the boy and hugged him tightly, seeming really happy to see him. I smiled lightly, crossing my arms happily. 

Seeing that my job was done, I turned toward the direction of the school and began walking, but again I felt a sudden cold touch on my hand. I turned smiling lightly and kindly, expecting to see the little boy, but instead it was the tall older brother.....wait no, this one had short hair, who was he?! In a deep calming slightly seductive voice he spoke. "Thank you....Onee-chan~" I could feel my face heat up a bit as I pulled away from him, my heart was beating rather quickly. I began to panic. "WHO ARE YOU?!" I looked around, not spotting the boy. "WHERE THAT LITTLE BOY GO?!" The guy with short hair pointed at himself and the other with long hair pointed at the other, he was the first to speak, his voice sounded a little more irritated then seductive like his look-a-like. "That's him you baka.....he just changed back to normal." My eyes widen. This wasn't normal.....AT ALL!! I do have to say though, they were incredibly handsome!, but there was no time to think about that right now. I snapped out of my day dream when the short haired blonde grabbed me by my waist. "So onee-chan...anything to say?~" He spoke in that seductive tone again. 'Damn it why me?!?!' I yelled in my mind as I cleared my throat, taking his hand away from my waist. "First off, do not touch me.....and second....WHO ARE YOU TWO?!?" I was so confused! They began to explain who they are, The short haired male taking the whole time. 

"Well, I am Alexander, but you already know that, and this is my twin brother, Anthony. We recently just moved to this little town. Hopping to find a better life here." I sighed lightly. My turn to speak. "Well what school do you two go to?"

"Hime n Kanji Academy." They answered simultaneously, which freaked me out.....but what freaked me out more was that they went to my school! I sighed in frustration as I turned and started walking. "You guys follow me, I attend that school as well." I could tell that this day would change my life forever. I looked up at the sky as the snow fell gracefully. "This sucks...." I whispered to my self as they followed me like two lost puppies. Why me?! 

(~end of 1~)

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