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Once the managers broke up the fight, they all wanted to know what happened.

"He was on Facetime with Flaujae!"

Everyone was shocked.

"What? J, how could you? Flaujae is a child! She's only 12! You're 15! J.I's mom said.

Mom! I know that! That's why I wouldn't date her! We were talking about setting up a surprise for Roscoe for our show in ATL!

Oopsie? Miss Mulatto said.

SEE! She always starting shit! Said Peach! Run it Latto! Right now!"

Latto grabs Peach's hair while Peach punches her.

The managers break them up!

"Look! Deetranada's brother PJ started. If yall can't get along then everyone is sleeping in the room with their managers! Now J.I. go wash the blood of of your face!"

All of the managers go back into their rooms and J.I. goes to the bathroom to was his face.

Come on Roscoe, let's go put some ice on your knuckles." Said Mani.


The next morning in Detroit, Dee and Nia were the first ones to wake up.

"Nia did you get hit in the neck during one of the fights last night?

No, why?

Because you have a bunch of bruises on your neck!"

Nia rushes and takes her phone out and looks at her neck.

"OMG Dee help!

What even happened?

Can you keep a secret?

Of course!

Well, during rehearsal yesterday me and Nova, um, we made out and yeah!

Ewww!" Dee says as she laughs.

"Shh! Nia says. Can you help me?

Dee hands Nia her make up bag. Here, put my foundation on and you'll be fine! And hurry before someone else wakes up.

Thanks Dee I owe you!

It's all good!


The second day in rehearsal while J.I. was practicing Roscoe decided to text Flaujae;

Heyy bae 😘
Hey Roscoe 💛
Baby, J.I. told me the secret! Sorry if I ruined it. I overreacted!
For what? It's not that serious!
Roscoe, yes it is, I cheated on you! I shouldn't have, but I'm sorry! 😭💯
What? 😡 I thought yall were planning a surprise for me? For our ATL show?
That was our cover up! Babe! I'm sorry!


Roscoe goes on Snapchat and posts this;

Roscoe goes on Snapchat and posts this;

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"Okay J.I. I'm not gonna keep fighting you! Roscoe says to himself. I have something better in mind!


Before they had the meet and greet, Roscoe take a cup of bugs he filled from outside and slowly dumps it into J.I.'s hair while he ties his shoe.

Once the meet and greet starts, the fans come in. The cast is super excited to meet the fans and take pictures with them and the parents. They make snaps with them and everything. Some of the fans even sing some of their songs for them!

"OMG its THE PRINCE OF NY!" A girl says as she runs to give J.I. a hug. After they take a picture, she looks at J.I. and notices the bugs.

She screams at the top of her lungs causing everyone to look at them.
"J.I. HAS BUGS IN HIS HAIR!" She then runs away.

J.I. shakes his head causing the bugs to fall. All of the fans run away screaming while the cast jumps on chairs and tables.

"Now next time don't FaceTime my ex girlfriend and lie about it BITCH!


He runs towards him, but his mom stops him!

"Well, Justin, looks like you're sleeping in the room with your mother tonight!"

Everyone laughs and clowns J.I. only making him angrier.

He yells and then punches a hole into a SoSoDef poster board.

"Make that 2 nights!" J.I.'s mother says.

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