Gandalf the Grey

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"Sapphire," Yavanna whispered.

A yawn was her only response. She rolled her eyes in amusement. She walked over and jumped onto the blue dragon's head. The head shot up, taking the girl by surprise. With a shriek, she flew up in the air. The head quickly reached up and grasped the back of the girl's tunic in its razor sharp teeth.

"I didn't think you would jump on my head, Anna," the dragon said, amusement evident in her voice.

The girl simply laughed as she was set on the ground. She turned to the turquoise blue dragon, Sapphire. The name suited her, as she glimmered like a gem, and she was a blue color. Sapphire stretched, making sure she didn't knock over any trees in the process. They were in a clearing, a rock wall on one side and trees on the other three. It was a peaceful place, Ithilen. They didn't stay in one place too long, though. They always were on the move. They were known throughout the land as peacekeepers. People were wary, but they also helped them.

"Where are we going today?" Sapphire asked.

"Not entirely sure," Yavanna muttered.

A rustling sound made them both turn to it. Sapphire's tail curled around the girl, who had her bow ready.

"Please, don't shoot. I mean you no harm," a man's voice said.

The man then stepped out of the trees. It was an elderly man, cloaked in grey. His greeting hair and beard were streaked with silver. A pointy hat sat atop his head, and in his hand was a wooden staff. It was Gandalf the Grey, the Wandering Wizard. He was also known as the Grey Pilgrim.

"Gandalf, what brings you here?" Yavanna asked, putting away her bow.

"I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure," he answered.

"An adventure? What type of adventure?" Sapphire queried.

"One to reclaim a homeland that was stolen. If you wish to join, the meeting will take place in a week's time. Go to Hobbiton, Bag-End, the Shire. You will see a blue rune carved into the door. Good luck," Gandalf said, before turning and disappearing into the trees.

"I think it would be a good thing to get out and about. Have some fun on this quest," Yavanna stated.

"Anna, this mission could be dangerous," Sapphire warned, already knowing she was fighting a losing battle.

"What's the fun in an adventure is there isn't any danger? Come now, Sapphire. Are you scared?"

"No. I'm worried about you. As your dragon, it is my job to protect you."

"We protect each other. Let's go. Maybe you should stay out of sight when we reach the Shire. The Hobbits have never seen a dragon before and will most likely freak out. Stay at the edge, and I will continue to the house on foot."

"Very well."

Sapphire crouched down, allowing Yavanna to climb into the saddle on her back. She stood up and stretched her wings out. With a powerful stroke, Sapphire took off. Yavanna always enjoyed the sense of freedom she gained in the sky, away from the troubles on the ground. She looked down on the unsuspecting people below as they flew over towns and villages. In no time, they reached the outskirts of the Shire. Sapphire spiraled down to the ground, landing lightly.

"Good job. Now, find a place to lay low until I call you," Yavanna said.

The dragon nodded, nuzzling her head into her Rider's shoulder before padding off into the forest. For a dragon, she was silent. Yavanna turned to the Shire and walked off, reaching Hobbiton by nightfall. She headed to Bag-End and decided to act as though she had lost her way. She timidly knocked on the door, not sure what to expect. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a Hobbit with sandy hair and brown eyes.

"I'm afraid I have lost my way. May I please come in?" Yavanna asked politely.

"Of course, of course," the Hobbit said, ushering her inside.

"My name is Yavanna," she told him.

"Nice to meet you, Yavanna. You can call me Bilbo," he replied with a smile.

"Thank you for letting me in, Bilbo. I'm sorry to intrude on your lovely home without warning."

"It's nothing. I can't let a lovely young woman to stay outside, now can I?"

"Well, you could."

He laughed and led her to the dining room. He prepared her a dinner and set it before her. She thanked him politely and ate, glancing around the house. Bilbo smiled and struck up a conversation.

"So, where are you from?" Bilbo asked.

"I don't really have a home. As an Elf, I have a very long life. I have been away from wherever I was born for so long I can't remember. I've wandered the world for thousands of years, but I have never been to the Shire. I decided to check it out for once. It's a very pretty place. Nicer than other places I've seen."

"We Hobbits do like a quiet, tidy life. Do you have any family?"

"They were killed when I was very young. I don't remember them either. Someone told me about them being killed by a raiding group of Orcs."


"Evil beings. They were once Elves, who were taken by the Dark Powers. They were tortured and mutilated to become Orcs. Nasty, heartless creatures they are. They have pet wolf-like animals, called Wargs. Their howls are more menacing than a wolf's. You'll know a Warg howl from a wolf howl in an instant."

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry that you lost them."

"It's okay. I'm used to living on my own. It was a long time ago. What about you? Do you have a family?"

"My parents are gone, leaving me Bag-End. I have no other family. Of course, Hobbits are all related in one way or another, but there are no other Baggins. I've always lived a solitary life here. Peaceful, undisturbed, quiet. That's how I like it. Nothing unexpected ever happened here. I hope it never does. I've lived in the Shire for my whole life, although I never said no to a little adventure beyond the borders of Hobbiton."

"That sounds like a nice life. Easy and nice. I've never had the luxury of that before."

"If you like, you could stay here. You don't have to, but it is just a suggestion."

"I think I will stay here for a little while, if that's okay with you."

"Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't mind having some company here."

Yavanna smiled at the little Hobbit. He showed her to a spare room in the house, and she put her things away. She crawled into bed, reaching out to Sapphire with her mind.

'Sapphire, it looks like we will be here for a week at least. Until Gandalf gets here with whoever is going to be at this meeting,' she said.

'Oh, goodie. It's pretty here, and I would hate to leave too quickly. Have fun at the Hobbit's house,' Sapphire replied.

'I will. He's very nice, letting me in, giving me dinner, and a room. Hobbits are nicer than the rest of the beings we've met.'

'Good night, Anna.'

'Good night, Saph.'

The Mysterious Dragon Rider (A Hobbit Story)Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now