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The three other members of the younger Pack watched from the docks with confusion and shock. But it was the maknae who put their thoughts into words. "What is he doing? Why'd he jump into the river?" Mark asked the others, tugging on Taeil's arm and pointing out into the water. They were at a distance where they could still see the boat, but they could not exactly see their leader Taeyong jumping into the water, nor could they see the girl he was trying to save.

In the river, Taeyong swam in her direction, but found that she was no longer struggling to stay afloat. He watched from a few feet off as her eyes closed and she began sinking slowly into the water below. Behind him, he could hear the pur of the boat's engine as Ten moved it closer to them.

He reached the girl just as the last of her was submerged in the water. Taeyong wrapped an arm around her and then waited for the boat to stop. It stopped right beside him and the leader of the younger pack tugged on the rope. Ten returned to the boat's deck and began to pull the rope in until he had reeled most of it in. Taeyong tied the life preserver around the unconscious girl and Ten carefully pulled her onto the boat. He placed her gently on the deck's floor and quickly tossed the life preserver back in for Taeyong. 

It took them a few more minutes before both were already safely on the boat and Ten knelt down by her side. He pressed his head to her chest, listening for her heart beat. "Its not too late. Her heart is still beating." He informed his leader looking up at him.

"Lets not waste time then." Taeyong urged. "Give her CPR."

Ten nodded and immediately brought his hands to her chest, pumping up and down, giving her chest compressions. He quickly tilted her head back, and checked for anything blocking her airway. There had been a piece of river plant that she had swallowed in her struggle and was preventing air from entering her lungs. Ten got it out of the way and it was all second nature to him as he pinched the bridge of her nose and gave her mouth to mouth ventilation. Taeyong only watched from the sidelines, dripping wet and with his arms crossed over his chest. 

It was summer time, but it was a chilly night made even colder when he had been forced to jump in the cold waters of the Han River.

Ten didn't give up on her and continued giving her mouth to mouth until her eyes shot open. She coughed up river water which had gotten into her system. Ten sat back as she looked around, disoriented and still coughing up water. Her lungs burned as she tried to suck in air which had been deprived to her moments earlier. 

"Hey," Taeyong called out to her in English because he knew she was foreign and he thought it was the language she was most likely to understand. "Are you feeling okay?"

He instantly regretted asking the question. She had almost drowned in the water, of course she wasn't feeling okay. But he didn't know what to ask, and the silence was beginning to feel awkward. Her just coughing and wheezing, and the two of them just there watching her. 

"What happened? Who are you? Do we know each other?" She croaked, her voice weak. She was barely able to get the words out.

"You were drowning after you fell out of another boat that was here in the river." Taeyong informed her. "I had to jump in and save you."

She brought a hand to her forehead, feeling a slight headache coming on. "I don't remember..."

"Where do you live?" Ten asked her the question, trying to get some information in order to help her. "We have some business to run here on the docks, but as soon as we finish we can get you back home."

"Home..." She trailed off as she thought about it. But her mind was blank, and it was beginning to frustrate her. She couldn't remember being on a boat, much less falling out of it. And she couldn't remember where she lived, or where she was from. She didn't even know where she was at the moment. All she knew was that she was soaking wet, on a boat, at night, with two boys who looked no older than twenty years old. "I don't remember where home is either." She looked from one boy to the other, trying to find a familiar face, but she didn't know either of them.

"Do you at least remember your name?" Taeyong asked her another question, already suspecting what had happened to her.

She gave a shake of her head, her lips turning into a frown. "I don't remember."

The leader of the younger pack heaved a sigh of frustration. "Don't tell me we have another Jagi on our hands." He said, remembering when one of his hyungs had saved a girl who had been bleeding to death in an alley.

She had been unconscious for weeks, and when she finally woke up, she couldn't remember anything about herself. She didn't even know what her own name was, as was the case with the girl they had saved from the river. Without a name or any information about her, there was no way for them to help her get back home. And it wasn't like they could just abandon her on the street. Taeyong knew they easily could, but then it would have been pointless to have saved her if they were just going to throw her away like that. 

"What is a jagi?" The girl asked with curiosity.

"Nothing." Taeyong shook his head, knowing that she wouldn't understand even if he explained it to her. "Look," He sighed, "You can stay with us until you remember who you are. That's the only solution I have right now, since I don't know where to take you." They couldn't go to the police station. They were wanted criminals, well known in Seoul. Taking her to the police station would have been the end of him and his Pack. 

He was relieved that she was at least calm about her situation. But he figured it was just the surprise of having almost drowned. He figured that later everything would sink in for her.

Before any of them could say anything more, another boat pulled up next to them. On it were armed men guarding a young man with expensive clothes and gold chains adorning his neck. The could see inside the boat was music playing and girls having drinks with other men. But they were oblivious to the fact that on the deck a deal was about to be made. 

Taeyong turned to his assassin and gave him some instructions. "Ten, take her inside and then come back out here."

Ten nodded his head and grabbed her by the arm gently, helping her back on her feet. He led her inside the boat and sat her down on one of the couches. He reached for the first jacket he could find and handed it to her. It was a jean jacket that belonged to his leader. "Its not very warm, but its all we have right now."

She nodded thankfully and wrapped it around her shoulders.

He informed her that he would be back soon and disappeared onto the deck where Taeyong was waiting to receive their incoming product shipment.


another jagi ish scenario. but i needed an excuse to have her stay with them, and this was the only way i could think of at the moment, if she couldn't remember who she was. 

i was going to upload this yesterday, but since i worked an extra day this week, i've been super tired. like to the point where i was let out an hour early from work today and as soon as i got home, i slept for four hours. i was so upset because i generally find sleep to be a waste of time.

if i didn't have to sleep at night to function properly, i wouldn't sleep.

anyway, thank you for reasding. have a nice night.


Another World ♤ 엔시티حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن